The Carlyle town council met on Wednesday, June 11, to discuss various topics surrounding the town.
No parking sign
A request from First Student Canada to put up no parking signs near the high school was discussed. No objections arose from council after discussing the topic, but it spurred further dialogue concerning parking in front of the high school. Often vehicles are seen parked in front of the fire hydrant and council may paint the curb yellow as a reminder to people that the hydrant is there in case of emergency.
Next town council meeting a new bylaw will be presented to the town to include this no parking area.
Mountain Ave.
Another topic brought up included Mountain Ave. Though not originally on the schedule a councillor mentioned how poor the road is. Though all agreed the road is in need of being rebuilt, it currently is not in the budget and will be placed on a list for next year's projects. They do intend to try temporarily fixing the holes with gravel.
A complaint of trailers parking for long periods of time on streets was spoken about. Complaints were mostly of those near the playground and the matter is going to be referred to RCMP as it is a traffic violation.
The council received a complaint from an individual at Lions Pride concerning an empty lot with piles of dirt and gravel sitting in water. The lot was just recently sold to a new owner and the town has decided to send a letter letting them know there was a complaint regarding the lot's situation.
Green and Clean update
Green and Clean has seen success with their adopt-a-bed project with 14 families sponsoring the 12 flower beds. Though the committee was disappointed when the CIF grant they applied for wasn't allocated to them, which simply puts sealing or putting down asphalt on the walking paths on hold. The West Park project has also been scaled back to better fit the area.
Airport update
The Airport Commission Meeting brought discussion to the table as money was asked for to both seal the existing runway as well as to extend it soon as well.
Rent of hangars is paid to the town and a percentage of this is set aside for resurfacing the runway. A number of years ago resurfacing was needed and the town found it difficult to find the funds for it, thus an account was created to specifically save for resurfacing in the future.
The town is hesitant to use all of the funds because this would set back the moneys raised for resurfacing by years, especially if the runway is extended. The town is happy to help the airport, but hopes to find assistance from the R.M. as well since many of the airplanes landing at the airport are crop dusters. The project has in fact always been a collective effort and the town hopes to keep it as such.
Further to the discussion surrounding the airport a letter was sent to council which prompted dialogue. The letter drew attention to the east side of the airport, which had been grass where airplanes are transported along from the hanger to the runway and back again.
Years ago an approach was created to allow access to the flying school. The fence to prevent a longer road was to be put up, but it was never established. Recently this approach was turned into a road by an unknown entity and the letter raised concerns over the damage gravel can do to planes with rocks being picked up and flung by propellers. A second concern also included the need of this grassy area for emergency landings when the wind is from a difficult direction or for training amongst those learning to fly.
The town will look for the individual or group that has altered the grassy area and will look to remove the gravel and reintroduce grass to the area. A letter will be sent to the individual who placed the complaint concerning the area to say that they are thankful to them for bringing it to council's attention and they will look into it further.
Drainage along Carlyle Ave.
An ongoing issue has been the drainage along Carlyle Avenue. Upon downpours due to summer storms, the water becomes a hazard and has even possibly contributed to some basements developing wet patches.
Recently two quotes and a non-quote were produced by companies focusing on a drainage pipe and a ditch overflow the help with this problem. A more detailed breakdown of the quotes will be asked for to better understand the difference in prices and what each quote will get the town. Once this has been produced the town will choose and ask the company given the contract to finish as soon as possible.
The Sask Lotto Grants were briefly discussed. The town has $1,000 to allocate and are receiving applications for approval.
Two resumes were received by the town for the summer position available.
The mayor said he would be at the high school graduation on Saturday, June 14, to present the town bursary of $500 to Kacey Valentine.