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For every ‘unless,’ God is faithful

Well, folks, it’s that time again. As we bid farewell to this year and this decade, I for one find it easy to put 2020 behind us.
Linda Wegner

Well, folks, it’s that time again. As we bid farewell to this year and this decade, I for one find it easy to put 2020 behind us. Remembering that we’re now at the beginning of another year and, hopefully, of a much healthier and happy new year, brings a mixed sense of optimism and caution. For the past 12 months we’ve lived with dire warnings and strict measures: Will I and my family escape COVID-19? How will it impact our little community? Will our geographically isolated location spare us from an outbreak? Yes, there were some scary times but, thankfully, I can look back at some wonderful moments, as well.

For our household, we celebrated our eldest granddaughter’s wedding and her new position in human resources at a large employer in Ontario. Our second granddaughter celebrated a permanent position in a specific ward (one she’d wanted) at a hospital where she’d worked for several years.

For Hubbie, also known as “Steady Eddy,” business wasn’t quite “as usual.” He nearly succumbed to diabetes in October, but now is back to his morning walks and is adjusting to “the needle” to help control his diabetes. In the midst of all this I’ve learned a whole bunch of new words in my daily crossword puzzle routine.

In other words, there’s nothing really earth-shattering taking place in our personal world unless ….

For the Psalmist, David, unless was the beginning. Out of the inner recesses of his being he threw the weight of his circumstances upon his God and in doing so, touched His heart, heard Him speak and found himself able to rejoice.

“I would have lost heart unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.” Psalm 27:13

For every unless, God is faithful.

Happy New Year

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