NORTHEAST — Saskatchewan municipalities are encouraged to apply for project funding under the newest intake for the Targeted Sector Support (TSS) Initiative to help build even better communities across the province.
This is the fifth project intake under the TSS Initiative, which is funded through the provincial government's Municipal Revenue Sharing Program. Applications for this intake will be accepted until Monday, May 1. In the last intake, the RM of Connaught and RM of Barrier Valley were two northeast municipalities that benefited from this funding in the Northeast.
The Ministry of Government Relations said since the inception the total number of municipalities receiving funding across the province is 88 with $3.17 million in grant allocations. The Northeast has received funding since the first intake, with the RM of Nipawin, City of Humboldt, Village of Muenster, Town of Wakaw and Town of Tisdale getting approved for a variety of partnership projects. The RM of Connaught received funding in the second intake for regional road structure initiative and the City of Melfort in intake No. 3 for land use planning.
The Targeted Sector Support Program encourages co-operation between municipalities and strengthens their capacity to deliver core responsibilities. Participants are eligible for funding under four streams: Dispute Resolution and Relationship Building, Regional Cooperation, Capacity Building, and Municipal Transition. TSS funding for up to 75 per cent of eligible cost to a maximum amount of $100,000.
The ministry said this initiative is creating more partnerships in other areas. Funding applicants must partner with at least one other community. Many project applications have included multiple partners, up to 10. The province hopes projects under TSS will open the door and encourage co-operation in projects between municipalities and their neighbours. Project partners can include municipalities, First Nations, regional parks, district planning commissions and regional parks.