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Facebook is a social networking service created in 2004, and has since become the most used social networking service worldwide. Facebook has immensely affected the social lives of people in a variety of ways.

Facebook is a social networking service created in 2004, and has since become the most used social networking service worldwide. Facebook has immensely affected the social lives of people in a variety of ways. Users are able to connect and interact more easily with friends and family from anywhere in the world as long as an individual has access to Internet. Facebook unites people with similar interests and beliefs through pages and groups, and individuals may locate a long-lost friend or relative simply by searching their name and sending a message or friend request. In this regard, Facebook is unquestioningly useful, the ability to almost instantaneously connect with relatives, friends, acquaintances, is remarkable and convenient. However, Facebook also has its downfalls.

I can't quite blame Facebook alone for the faults, as it's more of what some individuals bring to Facebook. Users slander people on Facebook, and use it as an outlet for anger and frustration. People are treated with disrespect and act with ignorance. Users will start verbal wars on Facebook, making what should be a personal disagreement a public affair.

It's one thing for younger people to get aggressive or bully people on Facebook, though that certainly isn't an excuse, but I've seen grown adults posting rude, derogatory comments on Facebook, getting involved in individual's business whom they barely know, and creating drama where there need not be. I've seen so-called-adults about to enter marriages and start families, harshly insulting teenagers and younger adults on Facebook in a very negative and ridiculous way, with unintelligent and simpleminded comments. I'm always amazed by the unenlightened, inane and immature comments of adults who seem like they've never left high school behind.

This need for some people to post every detail of their lives on Facebook, or bully others in a public social networking service is out of hand. However, maybe Facebook isn't the problem, maybe the problem exists within individuals and a lack of knowledge, perspective, or enlightenment, and Facebook just allows for such individuals to more publicly display their ignorance.

Slandering and verbally attacking people on Facebook does absolutely no good and in no way betters the life of those involved. It's upsetting to think that some people feel better about themselves by hurting others and gain a sense of accomplishment from such childish behaviours. The inability to look beyond petty drama and act in a reasonable and logical manner is frustrating.

I am not always the voice of high reason, and I too have my immature moments, but I always try to keep personal matters personal. As much as something may infuriate me and in the moment it seems as though I should vent on Facebook, I realize just how foolish and unproductive such an act would be. Face your problems and deal with them privately, don't Facebook them. I believe if you have a problem with someone and you can't just ignore the problem, speak to that person directly, there is absolutely no need to tell everyone on Facebook.

What should be a convenient and positive social networking service has become place where individuals post what should be private, and seek attention through negative means. Because of Facebook we spend so much time focusing on what others' are doing, and judging others', when instead we should be focusing on our own lives and what we can be doing to increase our happiness and success.

I find the amount of time I have personally wasted on Facebook is pathetic, and doing it because I'm bored is not an excuse. Imagine how much more I could expand my knowledge if instead of spending hours reading the ramblings of others, I instead looked at a news website, or read an educational article or novel. The convenience of Facebook is undeniable, but so is the amount of unintelligent posts, comments, statuses, arguments, time wasted, etc. Sometimes I question whether Facebook has contributed to a regression in maturity, or merely made it more conspicuous.

I don't mean to mass all Facebook users into one category either, nor do I speak of any particular individuals, I merely mean to give my opinion as a generality. Just as there are posts that are juvenile on Facebook, there are posts that are humorous, intelligent, and informative, and just as some users use Facebook in a negative manner, some use it to create political forums, raise awareness for important issues, and to positively connect with people.

One last thing, I will never understand the numerous pictures posted to Facebook not only of girls in the bathroom, but also, or especially of, girls using the toilet . . . awkward.

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