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Communism, Socialism and Capitalism: What Canadians need to know before they vote

To The Editor: The purpose of this information is to help Canadians understand the basis of the three major political structures in the world today.
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The 2021 Federal Election will be held on Monday, September 20.

To The Editor:

The purpose of this information is to help Canadians understand the basis of the three major political structures in the world today. What are we? What do we promote? Do we want fewer rights for ourselves in 10 years and way less for our children in 20 to 30 years?

It has been my privilege to travel extensively throughout the three prairie provinces for several years now.

For the last three of four elections, I have conducted a private survey on everyone that I spoke to – from high school students to peoples in their 80s. The question that I asked was “can you tell me the difference between a Communist, Socialist and a Capitalist?”

The replies that I received were scary to say the least. This propelled me to get this information out to as many people as possible before we go and vote again.

The three definitions, according to the Merriam Webster Deluxe Dictionary, is as follows:

Communism (defined as): 1A – A theory advocating elimination of private property. 1B – A system in which goods are owned uncommon and available to all as needed. 2A – Doctrines based on Revolutionary Marxism Socialism, Marxism Leninism, which was the official ideology of the USSR. 2B – Totalitarian system of government in which a single authoritarian party controls stated owned means of production. 2C – a final stage in society in Marxist Theory in which the state has withered away and economic goods are distributed equitably. 2D – Communist Systems Collectively.

Socialism (defined as): 1 – any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods. 2A – a system of society or group living in, where there is no private property. 2B – a system or condition of society in which the means of production are owned and controlled by the state. 3A- a stage of society in Marxist theory transitional between capitalism and communism, and distinguished by unequal distribution of goods and pay according to word one.

Capitalism (defined as): 1 - an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods by the investments that are determined by private decisions and by prices, production and distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.

When you read this over (very slowly and more than once) I hope you can notice the similarities between Communism and Socialism, particularly that they advocate “No Private Property” such as homes, farms, businesses, cars or even newspapers like this one.

The right to own capital (which is homes, cars, cash or just about anything of value) is the basis of freedom. The right to own and sell your property should be the main focus of this election.

Don’t ask your politicians how they are going to spend your money, ask them if they and their party are Communist, Socialist or Capitalist and ask for a one-word answer.

You should ask yourself the same question and like most people that I have spoke to, they are Capitalists by nature, because everyone wants to own their own land, homes or businesses. For some reason, most people vote for Socialism, which promotes no private property. If the party indicates that they are Communist or Socialist, then grab your assets and get away.

If you are a Communist or Socialist, then do the right thing by your government and turn over all your property so they won’t have to take it with guns (Communist method) or excessive taxation (Socialist method). Either way, individual rights and your property will slowly disappear.

Roger Farr, Ogema, Sask.

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