Well, Donald Trump is president and so far the world is still turning. Personally, if I had a vote in the American election, I would not have been able to bring myself to vote for him. However, he is now the leader of the U.S.A. and just as people in Canada complain about Trudeau, he’s in power and you’ve got to give him a chance.
               His rise to power seems as though it was orchestrated rather well, everything just seemed to come together for him. The negative press he received early had his name out and about; people were discussing Trump and his policies, wondering if he could ever live up to his promises.
               Additionally, the Democrats kind of shot themselves in the foot by putting Hillary Clinton into the running in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, the first female president, it was a valid effort and hopefully one day it can happen. This was not the right choice though. Despite her political knowledge, I honestly think people in the United States were just kind of done with the Clinton’s in the White House.
               Although she had her own scandals, people were swaying between the two, then the FBI released the fact that they were investigating her just before the election putting all eyes on her. People decided they were done with having politicians in the White House, it came across that they lied and are crooked, so they wanted something different. Cue Donald Trump, a famous businessman.
               In my personal opinion the Democrats missed an opportunity by nominating Clinton to the head of their party over Bernie Sanders. But, it was a decision made and it seems that at that point the path really started to be paved for Trump.
               Now that he’s in there, however, will he be able to accomplish promises made on the campaign trail? I highly doubt it, but we’ll see. He has been voted in and needs to be given a chance. Maybe it won’t be as bad as people think. Yes, he said some controversial things in the past; but, I’ve read some of his Twitter feeds after becoming the president and it appears that he’s scaled back his write something now, check on consequences later style. Instead it appears as though he is being more thoughtful in his actions and hopefully this continues.
               During the inauguration there were protests and rioting. Throughout history, change has been made either through peaceful actions or through rebellion. However, nothing has really happened today to warrant either. Yes, someone they don’t approve of has become president, but so far everything he has said, is just talk.
               The French Revolution is typically traced back to the Storming of the Bastille, a royal fortress that had come to symbolize the tyranny of the Bourbon monarchs is an example of people wanting to make change, and peaceful protests would have been for naught.
               America itself came out of conflict with the American Revolution, overthrowing British rule. So, is there a time and place for escalated actions, history would say yes as the world is where it is due to conflict. Although change has come from peaceful actions as well, it could be argued that the biggest changes resulted from actual conflict.
               However, someone simply becoming president is not a time to riot or revolt because he has literally done nothing except make speeches about what he will do. Until something actually happens that warrants society’s intervention the destruction that riots and rebellion cause are for naught. Additionally, the world changes and is something like the French Revolution, American Revolution, or Civil War something that should ever happen again? Is there a better way to encourage change?