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Women get informed

The Women's Wellness Day that was held at Kenossee Inn on May 5 was a great success. With a morning of thick fog about 90 women were able to attend, many impressed with what the day brought.
Hints of Harmony performing one of their original songs.

The Women's Wellness Day that was held at Kenossee Inn on May 5 was a great success. With a morning of thick fog about 90 women were able to attend, many impressed with what the day brought. Presented in serious and humorous ways the information was absorbed by those attending.

After the day was introduced, Debra Laurent was present to speak of her struggles with depression. She described symptoms that need to be watched for, that are often ignored or attributed to something else in one's life, and that many may feel ashamed about being diagnosed with depression so they make excuses for it. The fact is that it is not something to feel ashamed about. It is something that needs to be addressed and to admit that there is something wrong helps one to begin recovering. One of the most important things, especially in stress related depression, is to manage ones time between work and personal. Ensuring to keep time for oneself, family, and friends is essential to keeping a balanced life.

After taking in Laurent's story, the women had a short break to peruse information tables. Booths were set up addressing mental and physical health, information on eating well, bone health, and so much more. There was a diverse amount of important information that is pertinent to women's health that was addressed, which in part made the day such a great success.

Dr. Vicki Holmes, doctor from Women's Mid-Life Health Centre in Saskatoon, was able to attend with her colleague Sarah Jackle, both addressing the crowd. Dr. Holmes focused on perimenopause and menopause, while Jackle addressed heart disease in women. Interactive and humorous they were well received by the group of women. They encouraged those attending to take home two key points. These being to stop smoking and to get at least 30 minutes of exercise a day. These are considered the two most important things to rewrite ones future health.

Physical therapist Tamara Kapell from the Sun Country Health Region spoke to the group of women mainly concerning Kegel exercises and the benefits of them as women age. Other tips for healthy living that she was able to speak of included focusing on good posture and the simple act of exhaling while lifting objects.

The day was brought to a close with the women of Hints of Harmony performing their skit, Women's Health the Musical. Addressing the changes that are associated with perimenopause and menopause they sang a variety of songs with original lyrics. With the room in stitches everyone thoroughly enjoyed the skit. They made light of the changes women must deal with as they become older while providing information and acknowledgement of the fantastic health professionals in the area.

The day was planned by Nicki Ford, Lois Coffey, Trina Ilchuk, Colette Pierson, Brenda Scheir, Jeannie Daku, Velda Clark, Anita Kehler, and Kay Steele. Without these women it never would have come to be. The speakers Laurent, Dr. Holmes, Jackle, Kapell, and the Hints of Harmony performers made it a fantastic day full of great information.

Also, brought up that day was the plan to bring together women in group sessions that have the same chronic illnesses. "Classes are fun, practical and FREE of CHARGE." As stated on a handout from the Women's Wellness Day. To register for a program in your area you are encouraged to call (306)842-8711 or email [email protected].

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