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Weekly RCMP report

The Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP responded to a total of 52 calls in the week of Dec. 3 to 9. On Dec. 3, members were drawn to a call of a MVA with a deer that occurred in the area.

The Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP responded to a total of 52 calls in the week of Dec. 3 to 9.

On Dec. 3, members were drawn to a call of a MVA with a deer that occurred in the area.

While no injuries were sustained in the collision, the vehicle proved to be undrivable following, and had to be towed from the scene.

A 32-year-old make was issued a ticket in the community of Arcola.

The ticket, in the amount of $280, was issued to the driver due to the driver's use of an electronic device while driving.

Also in Arcola, a 46-year-old female was issued a ticket for driving without her seatbelt.

On highway 13, between Arcola and Carlyle, a 17-year-old male was issued a citation.

The individual was seen by members driving to the left of a solid line on the highway.

Another ticket was issued for not wearing a seatbelt, this time to a 67-year-old male, also in the vicinity of Arcola.

A call in the area brought members to a residence where a report of an intoxicated individual was causing issues which required police assistance.

Stating that the intoxicated individual was causing distress, the home owner requested the members remove the person in question.

Members took the individual from the home of the complainant, and transported that person to another residence where the property owners agreed to look after the individual.

Another call of an intoxicated individual drew members to a residence in the area, where the complainant stated they wished to see the individual removed due to the effects the person's presence had on the home owner's children.

Informing members that the children were scared of the intoxicated person, members took the person into custody.

The person was lodged in cells until they were sober, at which time they were released.

Dec. 4 call began with the complaint of a stolen vehicle in Redvers.

The vehicle, a white-coloured Ford F-350, 2004 model, in the end was recovered by the vehicle's owner within the town itself.

Members are investigating the matter.

A call originating in the area drew members onto the roads in search of a white Mercury Topaz, which had been reported as driving erratically.

Concerned about the safety of both the driver and others on the road, a second call provided further information regarding the driver, who was allegedly intoxicated.

While members were able to find the vehicle parked, the persons placing the call insisted on anonymity, therefore the members were unable to pursue charges against the driver, as the driver was not directly seen by members operating the motor vehicle.

A call from a residence was made to report two thefts from a residence that took place over two different days.

The items stolen were an expired driver's licence, as well as a birth certificate.

Due to the possibility of the documents being used in identification theft, the matter is being investigated.

A report of a 'gas and dash,' a person filling their vehicle with fuel than fleeing before paying, drew members to the Redvers area.

The vehicle driven by the suspect was a red, 4-door car with Manitoba licence plates.

Members searched the area but were unable to locate the vehicle in question.

Investigation into the matter continues.

Members received a call from a distraught individual in the area, but poor phone reception left members unclear as to the situation which prompted the call.

Attending the location where the call originated, the members found an intoxicated individual who requested a ride to a home belonging to family members.

The responding RCMP transported the individual to that location.

A call complaining of threats made against a person drew members to a residence in the area.

Upon arrival, members were unable to locate the complainant.

The members knocked repeatedly on the door of the residence, and also telephoned repeatedly.

In the end the matter was left, and no further involvement is expected at this time.

A drinking establishment in the region called for police assistance after two patrons, both intoxicated, became unruly when asked to leave.

Members attended, and upon arrival, the individuals in question peacefully left the establishment.

The calls for the day of Dec. 5 began with a call from a distraught person concerned about the welfare of their partner.

The couple, who had arrived at a business in the area some time previous, had seen one of the two denied entry to the establishment due to intoxication.

The person denied entry had left the establishment, and the partner was now worried that the individual, who was very intoxicated, might pass out.

Members attended the scene, and after a short investigation, where able to discover that the intoxicated party had made their way to a highway, and had gotten into a vehicle at that point.

The detachment was later called by the partner to inform members that the intoxicated party had been located at a friend's home, and was in no danger.

A 911-call was received reporting a fire in the area.

Members attended, and the fire, which engulfed a trailer, was put out by the local fire service.

A call through the 911 service reported two males making their way, by foot, down the side of highway 13 in the area around Kisbey.

Members responded and located the individuals in question.

The individuals were informed of the dangers of such actions during the winter months, and members provided a ride for the two men to a family member's home in the area.

A complaint of a possible impaired driver drew members to the roads.

The caller, who identified the vehicle as a burgundy GMC ton truck, was unable to provide a licence plate number.

Members patrolled the area where the vehicle was last seen, but were unable to locate the vehicle.

A call from parents drew a rapid response from members when the parents reported two daughters, aged 13-years-old, had been seen going to a party with 16-year-old boys where alcohol was being consumed.

The parents requested that members intervene in the situation.

Members called the residence where the alleged party was taking place, and later the two girls returned home.

The matter is under investigation.

On Dec. 6 a false alarm drew members to a business in the area.

Arriving at the scene, members determined the premises was secure, and so informed the business owner.

A 911 call from a residence in the area drew members when the caller complained of an assault.

Arriving at the residence in question, the members found the complainant to be intoxicated.

Refusing to press charges for the alleged assault, the individual asked that members provide escort for them when they went to Regina the following day.

Informed by members that such an act would be beyond the services the RCMP could provide, the individual then asked that members join the complainant when they met with the person alleged to have committed the assault the next day.

Members again informed the individual that they would be unable to render that service, and suggested that the complainant meet the person in question in a public place to decrease the likelihood of a further assault.

The complainant accepted this recommendation.

Members responded to a report of an intoxicated individual driving in the area of Wauchope and Redvers.

The complainant alleged a blue and white Ford with a smashed driver's side window was weaving on the highway.

Members patrolling managed to locate the vehicle in question 2 km west of Carlyle.

After speaking with the driver, members ascertained the driver was just tired after having been behind the wheel for a long period of time, and instructed the driver to immediately seek shelter and rest.

The individual was escorted to a hotel, where they booked in for the evening.

A 911 call detailing a collision in Carlyle drew members in response.

The accident, which involved one vehicle backing into another and causing considerable damage due to a tow-hitch on the rear of the vehicle backing up.

Attending members obtained statements and issued a ticket to one driver for unsafe backing.

A report was called into the RCMP detachment reported an act of vandalism at Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

The caller alleged that a plate glass picture window on the front of their house had been smashed deliberately.

Before responding members arrived, the complainant called again to inform members that, in all likelihood, they had caused the damage themselves.

Recalling that early that morning the caller had had difficulty getting out of their driveway, the caller realized that they had likely thrown a considerable amount of gravel at the window by spinning their vehicle's tires.

A report was made to the RCMP regarding an NSF cheque given to a business in Wawota.

The matter is under investigation.

Dec. 7 calls began with a report of a two-vehicle MVA near the community of Kisbey.

A vehicle, which had stopped to make a left turn, was struck in the rear by a semi-truck.

Attending the scene, members ascertained the roads, extremely slippery due to a recent snowfall, and a heavy fog in the area, contributed to the accident.

A report was lodged with members regarding a hit-and-run in Kenosee Lake.

The complainant informed police the only evidence visible was red paint in the damaged section of their vehicle.

Members are investigating.

An alarm drew members to a business in Carlyle.

Searching the premises, the building was found to be secured.

The matter had been logged as a false alarm.

A report of a possible impaired driver drew members on patrol north of Carlyle along highway 9.

The report detailed a white car which was driving erratically, and stated the vehicle had been seen pulling into Bear Claw Casino's parking lot.

Members attended, but were unable to locate either the vehicle or the driver.

A report of a hit and run was made to the Carlyle detachment, detailing a vehicle strike that had occurred on Dec. 2.

Members took a statement and issued a report for insurance purposes.

A report was made to police of a series of vehicles that had driven past a stopped school bus which had its lights and stop sign deployed.

While members were unable to locate the offending vehicle, the complainant requested a focused patrol in the future to enforce the no-passing laws that protect school buses when delivering children to destinations.

A reported deer MVA drew members to Kisbey.

The vehicle, which sustained damage, was driveable, and no injuries were reported.

A motorist in the Arcola area was given a sobriety check after being spotted weaving by a member on patrol.

The driver failed the check, and a 24-hour suspension of the driver's licence was issued.

A 31-year-old male was issued a ticket in the amount of $200 for speeding on highway 9 through White Bear First Nations.

The speed limit within White Bear is 80 kmph, therefore it is important to slow down upon entry of the territory.

A 17-year-old male was also issued a speeding ticket, in the amount of $192, for speeding on highway 9 near Moose Mountain Provincial Park.

A NSF cheque report from a business in Redvers was received.

Dec. 9 calls began with a reported of a possible intoxicated driver on highway 13 between Arcola and Carlyle.

The caller reported a vehicle weaving on the road and travelling at 70 kmph, despite the posted limit being 100.

Members located the vehicle, and upon interviewing the driver, were informed that the speed and weaving was due to an unusually high cross-wind on the highway.

A ticket in the amount of $280 was issued to a driver in Carlyle.

The 39-year-old male was seen by members using an electronic device while operating a motor vehicle.

A deer MVA was reported near Carlyle.

No injuries sustained in the collision.

A report was made for insurance purposes.

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