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Weekly RCMP report

A total of 82 calls for the week of Aug.3 through Aug.9 came to the Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP. Issues regarding mental health issues are not reported. Calls began on Aug. 3 with a message on the answering machine, reporting an erratic driver.

A total of 82 calls for the week of Aug.3 through Aug.9 came to the Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP. Issues regarding mental health issues are not reported. Calls began on Aug. 3 with a message on the answering machine, reporting an erratic driver. The member called back and spoke to the complainant who said it was a black and grey truck but she did not have the license number, but that it occurred in the area.

A call followed regarding a suspicious person. The complainant said the person was known as a thief in the area and he just wanted to let police know that he may be driving a stolen vehicle.

A vehicle stopped on Highway 9 near Moose Mountain Provincial Park. It turned out the driver was breaching his curfew and was lodged in cells for the night.

Members were called to Kenosee Lake to remove a 19-year-old male from the premises of a lawn. He was on a condition to not consume any alcohol. He was lodged in cells and released in the morning to appear in court.

Members were called to deal with a 21-year-old female who was intoxicated and would not leave a complainant's house. She was removed from their property and charged with a fine of $250 for being intoxicated in a public place. She was lodged in cells until sober.

The RCMP were called to a possible assault occurring in Carlyle between two brothers. The caller said the fight was escalating. No assault charge occurred as it was consensual.

Another traffic complaint came to the detachment, the caller would not provide a statement, but just wanted the driver spoken to if found. A check for the registered owner led police to the vehicle where they warned her.

There was a call of a possible fraud in Redvers. The matter turned out to be civil and will be dealt with in small claims court to recover the matter. Not a criminal matter.

An individual attended the office to have his fingerprints taken for a job application.

There were reports of a lot of gravel truck activity on the 605 North of Kisbey. The caller simply wanted more patrols to be made along that road.

A report of a dead buffalo in the middle of the road was called in near Wawota. The matter is still under investigation.

The 4th began with a member stopping an unregistered vehicle on Highway 9. A $580 fine was given to a 28-year-old male.

A speeding ticket was issued to a 32-year-old male on Highway 13 near Carlyle. The man was given a $218 fine from Highway Patrol for doing 149 kms in a 100km/hr zone.

A request came in from Manor simply asking members to keep the peace while an ex-girlfriend went to retrieve her things from her former partner's home. After a lot of back and forth and calling the RCMP, the lady safely collected her things and returned home without assistance from a member.

An individual called the detachment requesting patrols by her house in the area. She was concerned some intoxicated males were hanging around her home and wanted them removed.

A complainant called the RCMP to inform them that he had almost hit a husky dog in the area, and that he now had the dog at his home. He reported the incident for informational purposes in case the owner came forward.

A call from Kenosee Lake advised the member that an intoxicated man was outside the bar. The 22-year-old was picked up and lodged in cells until the morning. He was issued a $200 fine for being intoxicated in a public place.

The conservation officer from Moose Mountain Provincial Park called the RCMP for information on a man who they currently had pulled over. The man had a warrant for his arrest in Estevan and they simply wanted to know what to do with him. After contact with Estevan the male was let go after signing a promise to appear in court.

Another complaint at Kenosee Lake came in about an unknown belligerent drunk who had now left the bar. He was still in a public place. Members attended but the subject was gone on arrival. Patrols were made, but the male was not located.

A 911 came in about a fight at Kenosee Lake. According to the caller two males were fighting and one was getting his head slammed against a car. There were five males at the scene in total. Patrols were made but the individuals were not found.

Another call from Carlyle was advising the members that a 47-year-old male was very intoxicated and leaving his house. There had been no violence at the time of the call but the complainant worried it could happen with time, as the suspect is prone to drive while intoxicated. He was arrested for mischief and lodged in cells until the morning.

A female called the detachment reporting a 28-year-old male was at her residence and would not leave after being asked several times. He was dropped off at the residence by someone else. Members found the suspect walking on the road. He was arrested for mischief as well and lodged in cells. No charges.

A request for assistance in locating a male who had a warrant was answered from Regina Police department. The individual was located in the area but no warrant was on the system for him. They are currently investigating further.

A young boy had told a worker at the Casino that some kids were about to fight at the Pow Wow, but it turned out there was no emergency and security already on scene for the event cleared the misunderstanding up.

The members attended a false alarm in the area, which was set off by a resident accidently.

Another call to a business in Kenosee Lake was received. The call was regarding an intoxicated 25-year-old male who was bleeding from the hand. He was taken to Arcola hospital and released with a promise to appear in court. While members were attending to the injured suspect, another 24-year-old male became belligerent and was getting in the way of police. He was arrested for obstruction and charged for resisting arrest as he ran from police. He was caught and brought back to the detachment to be held in cells overnight. A third 25-year-old individual was also arrested and lodged in cells over night for being intoxicated in a public place. Several fines of $200 were given out.

On the 5th a 21-year-old male was charged with speeding just north of Carlyle on Highway 9. The fine was $149 dollars.

A request to shut down a party at the Silver Moon Inn in Redvers came from a fellow guest. After calling the owner of the inn, he agreed he would just deal with it. No RCMP assistance was needed.

A complaint of a rigger truck being all muddy and doing donuts around the area was phoned in. The complainant could not read the plates as the truck was too muddy. A member attended and located the muddy truck, but the vehicle fled from the member. He was not able to be located after this.

A noise complaint came in from Wawota. The issue is ongoing as the complainant's house is left shaking from loud music each weekend. A member attended, and asked them to turn the music from the vehicle off. The suspects complied and no further complaints were made.

The RCMP assisted child protective services with a custody matter in the area.

A complaint of kids outside the rink, hearing a large popping noise and a tank tipping over spilling an unknown liquid everywhere. When police arrived they found that a propane tank had been opened by a 12-year-old boy who ran away. Other kids had turned the tank off. The father of the boy then returned him to the scene to apologize to the homeowner. No charges were laid.

A call from Arcola regarding a male uttering threats while banging on a door came in. The complainant was walking by and over heard. File not updated.

A complaint from the area came in regarding an intoxicated male who had taken a hammer and smashed the window of another vehicle. The owner was unsure why it happened. Members are still pursuing the matter.

A truck leaked fuel near Forget. The department of Highways agreed to deal with it right away.

A 911 hang up call was received. It turned out to just be an infant son playing with the phone.

An individual attended the detachment to press charges against another individual who had assaulted the victim the night prior. The suspect was arrested and released with a promise to appear in court. She is awaiting her court date in September. A 68-year-old female has been charged with assault.

A person in Kenosee called the detachment to inform them she had found some old bullets while cleaning out her parent's home. She wanted police to come and dispose of them properly. By the time a member arrived another family member had claimed them.

A request for a vehicle to be towed off the road near Kisbey was called in from several people in the neighborhood. The truck was towed. A 22-year-old male was charged with causing unnecessary noise and having illegal extras on his vehicle, as well as obstruction, consuming alcohol and many more charges; adding up to $850 in fines.

A wallet was found at the Co-op gas station. The owner was contacted to pick up the wallet.

A complaint of an assault regarding a person who had just arrived home, and had been beaten up. None of the people were drunk. Matter is still under investigation.

Another traffic complaint came from 40 Km east of Carlyle. A white pick up truck was reported as being all over the road, but the vehicle was not located.

A request to locate a 12-year-old girl who had been missing from the Pow Wow grounds was concluded by a member finding the young girl had returned home.

Calls began on the 6th with a 911 call. A domestic dispute was occurring in the area. The fight was merely verbal, and solved by driving one of the people to another residence so that the issue did not escalate.

A member in Arcola stopped a vehicle to get the driver to present his license and registration. The driver admitted to having three beers. Member used the roadside safety device and while the driver did not blow a fail, he did blow an Alert. In this case it meant a 24-hour suspension for the male driver.

A complaint came in of an intoxicated and unwanted 21-year-old female at the complainant's residence. Members attended and located the female passed out on the lawn. She was lodged in cells until sober. No charges were laid.

A 911 call from a female complainant regarding a male who was disturbing her residence. The operator heard her talking to a male in the background and then the call was dropped. When phoned back, the woman said she did not require the police anymore. Member called back five minutes later but there was no answer. Members attended the residence, to find the complainant had left and the male was sleeping. Members advised a child to inform the RCMP if there were anymore issues.

A complainant called advising that his ex-wife called him in need of assistance. She told him she was between Stoughton and Carlyle. She told the complainant she was trying to get away from the male she was with, but he was unsure if she just wanted money from him. A member located the ex-wife to find that she was not in trouble at all and that she was on her way to Regina.

A noise complaint from Kenosee Lake was called in. The complainant informed the member that there was a loud party going on and that they were trying to sleep. Member attended to find all the noisy people had left and that the remainders of the partiers were quite co-operative. No further complaints were made.

A 911 call came in regarding a group of intoxicated kids being loud and smoking marijuana. The complainant did not know the suspects names but wanted a patrol made. When the member arrived at the camp site at Moose Mountain Provincial Park, no drugs or loud music was found. The member warned them of eviction from the site if other complaints were made.

A female called from Kenosee Lake to inform the member of a fight in front of her house. She then disconnected and no information was received.

A call regarding an intoxicated driver in the area was dealt with. The man was driving on the lawn when he hit a car outside. He took off down the highway. Patrols were made but the driver was not found. The matter is still under investigation.

Calls on the 7th began with a complaint from an individual whose ex-girlfriend had shown up at his work. He claimed she was harassing him over custody issues. She would not leave as he would not sign over his parental rights. A member attended to inform them that they should take the matter to family court.

A complaint of mischief was reported in the Kisbey area. An individual informed an officer that some kids were hanging around the streets and knocking down news stands. The caller simply wanted to request extra patrols in the area.

A suspicious vehicle was reported in the area. The individual reported four occupants in a white four-door truck. Members called the complainant to acquire which direction the driver went. The complainant was unsure and said they would call back if the vehicle returned.

A 911 call reporting that a complainant's daughter had been punched out in another yard, and that the subject of the complaint was now also passed out in another yard. The complainant was waiting for the return of her vehicle before she could attend the scene. Members attended and an ambulance was advised. Matter is still under investigation.

A 911 call was received from a possibly intoxicated older female who the operator could not comprehend. The husband then took the phone and explained that there were some guys around their residence yelling. Members attended and arrested 40-year-old male who was intoxicated and fighting others. He was lodged in cells until sober without charges.

The cleaning contractor at the post office in Kisbey reported that while he was working on Sunday he noticed a bunch of burnt flyers on the ground in the lobby. He just wanted to make police aware in case other similar incidents were occurring.

The 8th began with a complainant stating that people in the school yard were being loud. The complainant also stated that people had been shooting guns the night before but that no one had reported it. Patrols were made and the officer told three vehicles to return home due to the noise. They dispersed without incident.

A warrant was issued for a 44-year-old male who failed to appear at the court in Carlyle.

A complainant phoned the RCMP to report that her children had heard that an individual was threatening to come to their residence and cause trouble. The complainant stated that the subject of the complaint had assaulted her daughter previously and was supposed to stay out of contact. Members contacted the complainant to advise her that the matter had already been dealt with.

A white truck was reported rolling on its side. The complainant did not know if anyone was injured. The incident occurred between Arcola and Carlyle. The complainant agreed to stay on scene with his flashers on. The matter is not yet updated.

A complainant called the detachment to say she had reported an assault the previous day. She wanted to let members know that she had confronted the subject of the complaint. No further information was given to the call taker, as the complainant put her on hold and never returned to the phone. A member called the complainant back to advise her to not confront or phone the subject of the complaint anymore. The member also called the subject of the complaint and told her to avoid the complainant as it is in her own best interest.

A complainant called the detachment to inform them that she was assaulted two nights ago and had contacted the subject of the complaint and is now being threatened. A member called the subject of the complainant to hear that she had called the complainant at work to confront her. The complainant had told her that she would fight her after work. The member told the complainant to stop provoking her assaulter or she could find herself charged.

A male called 911 from the area to inform police of a black bear on his lawn. Member called the complainant to be advised that the bear had left the property. The member informed him that he should secure his garbage, and keep children and animals indoors. This was not the first time a bear had been reported this summer in the area.

A report of a single vehicle incident was called in. The vehicle had rolled over and took out a fence. The driver has minor injuries and her friend took her to the Arcola Hospital to be assessed. . A statement was taken from the 18-year-old driver, where she admitted to being on her cell phone and playing with radio controls. She took full responsibility for her actions and said she would pay the ticket right away. The owner of the fence was notified. The driver was charged with driving without due care, and charged with a $280 fine or court appearance.

A 911 call in regards to a liquor permit was phoned in. The caller was having a wedding dance and had been issued a liquor permit for 275 people, but 355 people had been invited. He just wanted to notify members that he had a permit, and wanted to know if they wanted a copy. Someone spoke to the caller about the proper uses of 911.

A complainant called driving east from Arcola when she saw something fall off a well services truck in front of her. She was unable to avoid it and hit it causing damage to her gas tank and oil pan. She contacted the company who advised that they will look into it. This matter is still under investigation.

A false alarm from a residence in the area was reported. The individual was cooking burgers and had set off the smoke alarm. He was not living at the residence, but just staying there. He did not know the authorization code to turn it off and the homeowner was not responding to phone calls.

On the 9th members were called to a sudden death in Manor. A 58-year-old female had passed away of natural causes. It was a non-suspicious death. The RCMP simply assisted the coroner.

Members were later called to a domestic dispute in the area. One partner had kicked out the other partner and prevented her from taking her belongings with her. Members called back to find out that everything was okay now. The matter was closed.

A complaint of an intoxicated female driving around with her two daughters was reported. The three women were throwing beer bottles at people on the road. The car was not located upon patrol.

An individual attended to report a hit and run incident at a restaurant in Arcola. The vehicle had damage on the front passenger's side. Pieces of the suspect's tail lights were still embedded in the complainant's front bumper. Photos were obtained. And the matter was dealt with.

A call for assistance in locating the owner of a vehicle which had been abandoned in a parking lot for eight months was phoned in. The owner was located and agreed to get the vehicle towed shortly.

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