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Weekly RCMP report

A total of 53 calls for the week of Aug. 24 through Aug. 30 came to the Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP. Issues regarding mental health issues are not reported, nor are matters that will affect further investigations.

A total of 53 calls for the week of Aug. 24 through Aug. 30 came to the Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP. Issues regarding mental health issues are not reported, nor are matters that will affect further investigations. Calls on the 24th began with a false alarm at a residence in Carlyle. Members attended but all doors were locked and the building was secure.A member received a complaint from an individual needing a ride home from Carlyle. He had asked his foreman for a ride but his foreman punched him. The complainant informed police that he didn't want any charges laid but that he still needed a ride home to Redvers. The member informed the caller that the RCMP is not a taxi service, and that he should start looking for another way home.The result of an argument left a vehicle in a ditch in Antler. This matter is still under investigation.A report of a coal bin being on fire was phoned in. When a member arrived he was informed by the fire chief that smoke was observed coming from the coal bin. As a result, the coal bin was being emptied and sprayed with water in order to cool it down. The member spoke to the land owner who advised him that he was mowing the lawn when he noticed the smoke. No damage occurred to the property other than to the full bin of coal. A 911 call came in reporting a multi-vehicle collision with injuries. The incident occurred on Highway 13 in Carlyle. One of the drivers was intoxicated, blowing a fail. He was taken back to the detachment for two breath tests, both of which were over 0.08. Another driver was taken to Regina for further observation. The intoxicated driver has been charged with impaired driving resulting in bodily harm and dangerous driving. He was released in front of the justice of the peace and is to appear in court.A complaint of uttering threats over Facebook was reported. The complainant was told to watch her back and that the suspect would physically assault her when he came to Carlyle. No charges were laid, however both parties were spoken to. A report was received about a coyote related collision outside of Wawota. No injuries were reported, and an SGI motor-vehicle accident report was filled out. Calls on the 25th started with a complaint regarding a noisy party at Kenosee Lake. Members attended and made patrols of the Fish Creek campgrounds but could not hear any noises. They did however locate a larger group of young campers. When asked if their music had been loud earlier that evening, they admitted to it. They informed the member that once they realized what time it was they had turned it down. The member thanked them for their honesty and asked the complainant to call back if the noise started up again.A complainant reported cattle walking east bound on the highway. The complainant was concerned that the cows would get hurt or cause an accident. Members made patrols near Kisbey but did not locate any cows.A member received a complaint from Manor in regard to young kids riding on quads down Main Street. The caller was concerned for the children's safety. A member called the child's parent to discover they were home safe, and the father informed police that he would make sure his kids stayed off the streets.An individual reported a red mountain bike stolen from the Dairy Queen. It had been at the back door of the DQ around five p.m. She provided a statement the next day and the matter is under investigation.A caller advised a member that she was in the process of separating from her common-law partner. She was concerned because the majority of the belongings in his house were hers and she wanted police to go and get them with her. The partner had threatened to have her vehicle towed, and rumors were starting regarding giving away her items. The member told her that they could simply be present to keep the peace, but could not be involved in the separation of the property. The member advised her to take the matter to civil court. After this she no longer wanted the police's involvement. The 26th started with a complaint from a mother reporting that her seven-year-old and eight-year-old children were riding around on bikes in Kisbey when a male driver in a black car almost ran them over and then gave them the finger. The matter is still continuing.A call in regards to two girls aged 10-12 bullying another individual came in. The complainant was told to speak to the girls parents and call back to the detachment in the evening. She called back to advise the member that she had spoken to the parents of one of the girls and they were extremely understanding and felt bad about the incident. The complainant was satisfied that this would get dealt with and did not want further police involvement. She also understands that you cannot press charges on children under 12-years-old.A call of a domestic dispute and possible assault in the area came in. Members attended to a residence in the area, and spoke to two individuals who admitted they were arguing. Both individuals said it was just a regular couple's argument with no violence. No evidence of assault was found. Both individuals were calm.A 911 call regarding a compressor shed on fire came in. No injuries were reported. Members attended to assist the Carlyle fire department. When the members arrived the fire was out. Members spoke with the fire chief who said he had just noticed smoke and few flames while heading home and believed it started from something off a pump jack. The shed burnt to the ground and the pump jack is no longer operational. A call from a complainant advised police that an individual's car had been rummaged through twice in the last few weeks. Nothing was stolen and the member advised her to lock her doors in the future.Matters on the 27th began with several tickets being issued. A seat-belt ticket was given to a driver in Carlyle. The fine was $175. A speeding ticked was issued to a 32-year-old female driver for $136. And another speeding ticket was given to a 24-year-old male for doing 125 kmh in a 100 km zone. The fine was $135. A 911 call followed regarding someone trying to kill the complainant's wife in Redvers. The complainant was hard to understand, so a member attended. The incident had been occurring in a business. When the member arrived on scene, statements were taken. It turned out that the subject of the complaint had knocked over a table and garbage can. The subject of the complaint also pushed his mother threatening her and yelling. The member attended the subject's house and arrested him. He had been intoxicated at the time. He was taken back to Carlyle and released in the morning when sober. He was also released on a justice of the peace understanding not to have any contact with the family of the complaint and not have any alcohol. He will be appearing in court on assault and mischief charges.The 28th began with a speeding ticket issued to a 23-year-old female. She was driving 132 kmh in an 80km zone and charged with a fine of $206.A 911 call came in regarding a possible impaired driver. No license number was obtained but he had stopped at the gas station looking for directions on how to get to Calgary. He was in a grey truck pulling a long grey trailer. He smelled of alcohol. The file has not yet been updated. A complaint regarding a grey vehicle with a Manitoba license plate who had just driven over a solid line past the caller. The caller suspected the driver was going about 160 kmh. The member was unable to catch up with the driver.A call came in regarding a stolen vehicle out of Carnduff. The vehicle was now stuck in a slough south of Manor. The RCMP made a patrol but the vehicle was gone. Witnesses however stated that the suspect had been driving on the gravel roads. The owner of the truck provided police with a location of the truck, as it was GPS equipped. It was now at a beach at a resort in the area. The member attended and arrested a 28-year-old male for possession of stolen property, as well as failing to comply with his undertaking. He was remitted to court in Estevan and subsequently has now also been remitted to court in Carlyle.The RCMP assisted probation services. And individual on an electronic monitoring was to go into treatment and was required to stop by the detachment and have her electronic device removed and returned to the probation services. An alarm was received from a business in Carlyle. SecureTech called police to inform them that they had spoke to the keyholder and that police were not required to attend.A gas and dash was reported from a business in Carlyle. Everything was caught on video; therefore the license plate was given to police. A be on the look out was prepared and sent out to neighbouring detachments.

Another false alarm occurred at a business in Carlyle. The new staff on site had hit the wrong thing. RCMP did not attend. A noise complaint came in from the campgrounds in Carlyle. The complainant stated that there was a loud party happening at the camp site. A member attended and shut down the music and party. The subject of the complaints was thankful that they were not being arrested and advised police it would not happen again.

On the 29th a call came in regarding a broken down truck. The man required a tow just outside of Kisbey. The member gave the caller several numbers of tow truck companies and followed up to make sure he had made it home successfully.A complainant had her young daughter on the phone as she was driving to report a driver who had been driving too closely behind them. The child was difficult to understand but stated that the car was perhaps trying to bump them. A member called the driver of the subject of the complaint's vehicle who stated she was not driving recklessly. Enough evidence was available to charge her with following too closely to another vehicle. A caller phoned to report an abandoned vehicle on the side of the road near Wawota. The matter is still being investigated.A broken railway crossing in the Moose Mountain area was reported. A member attended to find the warning light damaged and photos were taken. It had been struck at a high point, but no evidence was left on site. It is possible that a semi with an over-sized load had struck the pole without realizing it.A trucker was observed driving without a seat belt. He was stopped and given a verbal warning. The member then observed a marijuana grinder on the passenger's seat as well as a few glass jars with rolling papers and Visine in them. Not enough drugs were located upon search to press any charges. A complaint of a stolen laptop from a vehicle was reported at the detachment. The laptop actually belongs to the school division and was stolen in Kisbey. The matter is still under investigation.An individual reported damage to a glass door at Ted's Tavern in Arcola. She requested a member attended. The matter is still under investigation.A complaint of quads or side by side units racing around in Redvers was reported. It had woken up the complainant twice in two hours. The file has not yet been updated.A 911 call followed regarding a male who failed to pay his tab at the Motor Inn in Redvers. A few minutes later the owner called back to inform police not to attend. The matter had been solved, and the subject had paid his tab. It was perhaps a language issue.The 30th started with a request to locate an 11-year-old boy who had not returned home. The mom was out looking as well as some other family members. The complainant soon advised a member that their significant other had located the boy and he was safe and sound at home. A complaint in regards to some brothers in the area was made. One had been threatening to smash out the windows in the complainant's van. The file has not yet been updated.Another complaint followed regarding threatening phone calls from an unknown number. The member had received an additional complaint regarding young girls making prank phone calls from the same number. The member called the phone number and advised the girl's mother that her children were making prank phone calls and that if it didn't stop Sasktel would cut her phone line. The mother agreed to speak with her kids. An individual reported a possible impaired driver in Kisbey who had run a stop sign and was swerving all over the road. The vehicle was stopped west of Carlyle with five occupants in it. The driver blew a 0.04 and was not charged. One of the individuals took possession and was charged $360 for having open alcohol in the vehicle. An individual attended the detachment for fingerprints for a criminal record check. A complainant called to report that they had just picked up another individual from a residence where she was beat up by a close relative. The subject of the complaint had left the location and gone back to the house where all the parties live. The girl she had picked up wanted him removed. The victim did not want to press charges. Members later found out that no assault had occurred. A 911 hang up call occurred. It turned out that it was simply children playing with the phone.

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