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Weekly RCMP report

Members responded to a call from a bar in Carlyle regarding an unruly patron. Members responded, and arrived in time to see a sober friend of the individual in question take them to a truck to drive them home. The case is considered closed.

Members responded to a call from a bar in Carlyle regarding an unruly patron.

Members responded, and arrived in time to see a sober friend of the individual in question take them to a truck to drive them home.

The case is considered closed.

Members began their calls for Feb. 5 by responding to a call of an unconscious person in a wheelchair at Arcola Hospital.

While this may be a sight one would not find odd at a hospital most times, the individual in question was not a patient, and no one knew who he was.

Responding members found a 23-year-old male in a wheelchair, and initially began treating the incident as an individual causing a disturbance.

However, a search of his person uncovered an amount of cannabis, and the individual was been charged with public intoxication, and possession of a Schedule 8 drug.

A 39-year-old female from Estevan was issued a hefty ticket amounting to $182 for travelling 31 kph over the limit on highway 13 near Carlyle.

A call of a fire in Redvers drew members to a motel there, where it was discovered a faulty switch had caused the blaze.

There were no patrons at the establishment at the time of the fire, and fire services attended the scene as well.

A complaint of mischief drew members to the area, where they found a 19-year-old male who was intoxicated.

While the residents of the home in question wished no charges to be laid in the matter, routine checks showed the young man to have outstanding warrants against him.

The individual was taken into custody and released in the morning with documents pertaining to the warrants.

A 911 call was received by the detachment regarding a reported domestic disturbance in the area.

The caller was concerned that there was a fight going on, and that young children were present.

Responding members attended the residence in question, and found a male and a female washing dishes.

Speaking with the individuals separately, it was determined that the male was intoxicated, however the argument was over.

The case is considered closed.

A caller contacted the detachment requesting assistance in retrieving a paycheque.

The complainant, who was no longer involved with the employer, claimed his former employer had uttered threats, and he was concerned about his wellbeing should he go to collect his paycheque.

Members intervened, and contacting the business, found the employer was out of the office.

The complainant went to collect their paycheque, and the matter is considered closed.

An alarm at a business in Carlyle drew members to the location, only to find the alarm had been a false one.

Calls on the 6th of February began with a complaint of a lock cut from a fuel tank near Wawota.

The caller informed police they were lodging the call for information purposes only, as they did not know when, or how much if any fuel might have been stolen.

A 34-year-old male from Taber, AB, fell afoul of RCMP members on highway 9 near Carlyle.

The individual, who was clocked doing 107 kph in an 80 kph zone, is now lighter in the pocket by $130.

A concerned person contacted the RCMP after giving away their online access information to a company which identified itself as Microsoft Fixit.

The caller was told to contact the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre to lodge a report.

The RCMP would like to remind people never to give personal information or access information over the phone, especially so when it is an unsolicited call.

The Carlyle Detachment provided assistance to the Regina Police Service by locating a 19-year-old male being sought by that service.

The individual was taken into custody after located, and released on undertaking following his appearance before a justice of the peace.

Members had a puzzle to solve following a call from concerned citizen in Arcola.

The caller stated that, when looking at available routers with a wireless internet device, they found a wireless access router called, 'RCMP Drug Surveillance Van.'

The caller was concerned whether the RCMP knew that their surveillance van's internet access point was openly visible to the public.

It was determined that, since a router owner can name their router access anything they like, it was actually a civilian router, and had nothing to do with the RCMP.

The first call the detachment received on the 7th was to a residence in the area where an alarm had went off.

After investigating, members determined the alarm had been false.

Another false alarm, this one at a commercial property in Kenosee Lake, drew members to that community.

A report of mischief near the community of Wauchope drew members to a satellite hut just outside the community.

Upon investigating, members found the building had been holed and windows broken by an estimated six-to-seven bullet holes.

The matter is still under investigation.

A complaint of a hit-and-run to a stationary vehicle drew members to the area to investigate.

The case remains open at this time.

Several charges of Failure to Appear kept members busy on the morning of the 8th of February.

A 25-year-old male from Arcola was issued a warrant for failing to appear, as was a 51-year-old male from Indian Head.

Also issued warrants were a 19-year-old and a 20-year-old, both from the Kisbey area, and both for failing to appear.

An individual who attended the station was assisted with finger-printing and police clearance paperwork.

A 911 call was received reporting a truck stolen from the area just 10 minutes previous.

The caller was concerned also about whether the driver was impaired.

Members patrolled the area the vehicle was last seen in, but were unable to locate the vehicle.

The matter is considered closed.

A dispute between a contractor and their client drew on party to contact the RCMP on Feb. 9.

After reviewing the case, members informed the caller that the matter was a civil one.

The matter is considered closed.

A call was received by the detachment from California regarding an alleged assault that had occurred one year previous.

The caller said the assault had taken place near Arcola, though the alleged perpetrators of the assault were now elsewhere as well.

Investigation into the matter continues.

Finally, members responded to a complaint of shoplifting from a business in Carlyle.

The matter is under investigation.

The Carlyle Detachment of the RCMP responded to a total of 39 calls between Friday, Feb. 10th, and Thursday, Feb. 16th.

An MVA involving a deer was the first call for the 10th.

The driver contacted the RCMP solely for information purposes, as there were no damages to the vehicle reported, and no injuries.

A call from Alberta had members seeking an individual in the area.

The caller had been unable to reach the person in question, and was worried about them.

Members managed to locate the person, and contacted the caller to inform them everything was okay.

A seatbelt ticket was issued to a 33 year-old male in Carlyle, the fine amount standing at $175.

Members on patrol in Carlyle spotted a vehicle travelling at 72 kmph in a 40 kmph zone within the town.

While pulling the vehicle over, members noted a liquor bottle being disposed of from the passenger-side window of the vehicle.

The driver showed signs of intoxication when members spoke with them, and was asked to provide a road-side sobriety test, which was failed.

In the process of investigating, members also discovered the individual gave members a false name.

The individual was taken into custody, and now faces charges of impaired operation of a motor vehicle, operation of a motor vehicle with a blood-alcohol level over 0.8, and obstruction.

The individual was also found to be on probation, so the 29-year-old male also faces two charges of failure to comply with terms of probation.

Members patrolling eastbound on Highway 13 near Arcola saw a vehicle passing the opposite direction at a high rate of speed.

The individual, who was clocked at 126 kmph, also showed signs of intoxication when approached by members.

The individual failed a roadside screening, and when samples were taken at the detachment, were found to be over the 0.8 limit.

Besides the speeding ticket, the 30-year-old male has been charged with impaired operation of a motor vehicle, as well as impaired operation of a motor vehicle over 0.8.

A speeding ticket was issued to a 53-year-old man in Carlyle when members clocked him going 63 kmph in a 40 kmph zone within the town.

A fine in the amount of $133 was issued.

Calls for the 11th began with what turned out to be a false alarm from a business in Kisbey.

Responding members found that construction was underway at the location, and the alarm button had been accidentally pressed.

RCMP members responded to a call about a domestic disturbance in the area.

Arriving at the scene, a 24-year-old male was found intoxicated and fighting with a woman at the residence.

The male was taken into custody after investigation, and held in cells until sober.

Members were called to the scene of a roll-over accident near Wawota.

The single vehicle accident also drew fire services and EMS services.

A 39-year-old female who was driving the vehicle was sent to Moosomin Hospital for care due to injuries received in the incident.

The investigation into the matter is ongoing.

A report was made of a hit-and-run that reportedly took place in the parking lot of the Co-op "C" Store.

The caller left the business and found damage to the passenger-side door of their vehicle.

Members attended and sought debris and paint remains for the investigation.

The matter is pending.

Members were called to a residence in Wawota to remove and unwanted guest.

The individual in question was intoxicated, and the caller wished the removed from the premises.

The caller wanted no charges to be laid against the individual, and the matter is considered closed.

February 12 got underway with a 911 call reporting an impaired driver in a red Ford truck.

The caller identified the area near Moose Mountain Provincial Park where the truck was last seen.

Members patrolled the area, but were unable to find the vehicle in question.

A 911 call from a disorientated individual was received by the detachment.

The caller claimed his front door had been kicked in by an unknown person, but was unable to identify he was calling from, initially saying that he was in Regina.

Members tracked the call to Kenosee Lake, however the caller when contacted was intoxicated and unable to give any details about his location or the situation, hanging up on the members.

Members patrolled the area however the address given did not exist.

Calls for the 13th got underway with a patrol laying charges against a 46-year-old male for DUI.

The patrol spotted a vehicle on the highway shoulder running, with a person inside.

Stopping to offer assistance, the driver exhibited signs of intoxication, and given a sobriety test, which was failed.

Charges have been laid for operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated, and operating a motor vehicle over the 0.8 limit.

A 24-year-old was issued a fine in the amount of $204 for speeding.

Clocked at 142 kmph in a 100 kmph zone, the individual was stopped on Highway 13 near Carlyle.

A domestic disturbance drew members to a household in the area.

Upon arriving, they found the individuals had come to a peaceful resolution, and apologized to members for the situation.

After ensuring all was well, members left the residence, and the matter is considered closed.

A call came to the detachment requesting members check on an individual the caller was attempting to reach.

After investigating, it was found that the person had left the area, and the caller was contacted and so informed.

A report of an MVA that had occurred the previous day was received by members.

The caller, who had been in the accident, contacted police after being directed to by SGI for insurance purposes.

An off-duty member contacted the detachment to report a suspicious vehicle that was driving erratically.

The member tailed the vehicle to Bear Claw Casino, and approached the driver.

It was found the driver was 94-years-old, and the matter is considered closed.

A call was received reporting a situation of gang members using witchcraft.

A 911 call was lost due to poor cell phone reception, however a rough latitude and longitude was established for where the call originated.

Members dispatched to the area located a semi truck that had broken down, and the individual was awaiting a service vehicle from Regina.

The caller told police he had tried to contact them so they would be aware that his truck was on a roadside shoulder.

Valentine's Day started with a speeding ticket issued to a 53-year-old male near Arcola.

Fined the amount of $133, the driver was clocked 33 kmph over the speed limit.

Members on patrol stopped a vehicle on Highway 13 near Carlyle when the truck in question failed to stop at a stop sign.

Upon investigation, they found the driver was wearing no seatbelt, had open liquor in the cab of the vehicle, and the vehicle itself was in an extremely poor condition of repair.

The driver was issued a ticket in the amount of $230 for failing to stop at the sign, another ticket in the amount of $175 for no seatbelt, and a $360 ticket for having open liquor in the vehicle.

Members were en route to a call from Bear Claw Casino to assist with a disorderly patron when a second call came informing members that the individual had left the premises, accompanied by a sober friend.

Members were contacted by a caller in Wawota reporting a case of mischief.

The caller reported that the rear tail-light on their vehicle had been smashed, and asked a report be filed for insurance purposes.

The 15th started with a false alarm at a business in Redvers.

The business was training new employees, and the alarm had been inadvertently triggered.

The detachment was contacted by a caller concerned about the well being of an intoxicated individual who had left their residence in clothing inappropriate to the weather conditions.

Members patrolled the area, and were able to locate the individual in question at another person's home.

The caller was contacted and told the individual was safe.

Members assisted a person completing visa requirements by taking fingerprints.

A complaint of harassment was made by an individual in the community of Wawota.

The complainant explained they were being harassed by telephone calls of an unknown origin.

Members investigated, and discovered the calls were originating from a collection agency.

The two parties were contacted, and the matter left between them, as the issue is a civil one.

Calls for the 16th began with a report of a break-and-enter at a well-site near Kennedy.

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