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Weekly RCMP report

A variety of calls and incidents kept Members of the Carlyle detachment busy from Aug. 12-18, with a total of 63 reports for the week. Unfortunately, Kisbey was the focus of much of the activity on Aug.

A variety of calls and incidents kept Members of the Carlyle detachment busy from Aug. 12-18, with a total of 63 reports for the week.

Unfortunately, Kisbey was the focus of much of the activity on Aug. 12, when a significant amount of damage was done to property. Defaced buildings include a church, the rink, the legion and the post office.

On the same day there were two instances of vehicles being broken into in Kisbey. In one case there was nothing missing, but in the second instance, two wallets went missing. Although the wallets were later found, all the cash had been removed.

Also in Kisbey, again on the 12th, a caller complained about a group of people blocking a road beside the highway and causing an obstruction to traffic. Carlyle police are continuing to investigate all of these matters.

Elsewhere on the 12th, members were called to the school in Redvers, following a complaint that kids were up on the roof. Members arrived in time to catch four of the youngsters as they were climbing down from the building. They took them to their homes and left the disciplining up to parents. The rest of the day brought a 911 call from a driver reporting that bottles had been thrown at his truck, an assault complaint in the area, and the report of a vehicle in a ditch near Wawota. Then at 4:25 in the morning, a caller in the area complained that an intoxicated person was knocking doors at residences. No action was taken on this last call as no further complaints were received relating to it.

Alcohol continued to be a factor in calls during the rest of this reporting period. In one case a vehicle was stopped after being reported for repeatedly driving across the centreline, the driver failed both the roadside test and two further tests at the detachment, the 34-year-old male was charged with driving over the limit of .08. In another case, a driver was stopped by members near Antler. Open alcohol was found in the vehicle and the driver failed the roadside test. Multiple charges are pending for this driver. And at Whitebear Resort, two teenagers were reported for public intoxication at a boathouse. Both were spoken to and no charges were laid.

There was also a report of four allegedly-intoxicated persons in a vehicle. The vehicle was later found parked on private property, and the incident was concluded. Members also responded to complaints of a noisy party with allegedly-intoxicated teenagers at Kenosee. They attended and requested the kids to quieten it down a bit, patrols were then made several times to ensure compliance, and no further complaints were received.

A spate of break and enters occurred to cabins in the resort area. A patrolling security man came across individuals coming out of a cabin, he tackled one person and held them on the ground until members arrived. Two suspects are being held in custody in this matter, pending further investigation and trial.

Several complaints were received regarding harassment this week. One case came from Redvers, where a person complained about threatening text messages. Another call reported threatening phone calls to a person in Manor, and a third call complained about a collections agency that was being repeatedly abusive to a 17-year-old who did not even have a credit card yet. Investigations continue.

A significant number of motor vehicle incidents were reported during this period.

A 911 caller described an erratic driver between Manor and Carlyle.

In Kenosee, a 24-year-old female was issued with a 24-hour driving suspension.

In Carlyle, a driver was issued with a $230 fine for failing to obey a stop sign.

The theft of an SUV was reported and the vehicle was later found damaged and abandoned.

A motorcyclist collided with a dog. A passer-by reported the incident to police, and members arrived to find the bike damaged, although the 18-year-old rider was uninjured.

A single vehicle MVA was reported near Redvers, where a vehicle had gone into a ditch. EMS and the fire department were enroute, and when members attended, the 81-year-old driver was found to have minor injuries.

A complaint was received about ATVs driving on roads in the area.

A 32-year-old man received a fine of $580 for driving an unregistered vehicle in Carlyle.

A driver was reported for speeding and driving dangerously near Carlyle. When members located the vehicle, the driver was doing 118 km/hr. A ticket was issued for speeding.

A 19-year-old driver was stopped for not wearing their seat belt. They were issued a ticket for $175. Further investigation via the computer in the police car, revealed that SGI were ordering the vehicle to be seized. It was duly impounded.

A vehicle collided with a deer south of Antler.

A caller reported that a van had driven slowly past their driveway, and unknown persons had scattered nails onto the driveway. There are no suspects in this case.

A vehicle was keyed along the trunk and a door in Carlyle.

A report was received of a front end loader being driven on the highway without any lights. Members did not see the loader.

A man walked into the Carlyle detachment and reported a possibly-abandoned vehicle at the corner of Hwy 48 and Hwy 9. The vehicle had been left at the side of the road with windows open and some damage to bodywork. Members investigated and determined the vehicle was not stolen.

Four tires were stolen from a residence in Redvers.

Members assisted Regina Police by taking a statement from a local person that had been involved in a hit and run incident in the city.

A hit and run was investigated ay Kenosee and a report was issued for insurance purposes.

Two complaints were received regarding fires this week. In one case a caller requested police to investigate a blaze they thought might be close to a relative's house. It turned out to be no more than the controlled burning of garbage. In the second incident, a man called to say the house he was renting near Wawota was on fire. Wawota fire department attended, but it was too late to save the building which burned to the ground. There were no suspicious circumstances and police involvement was concluded.

False alarms were investigated at various properties in the area. One was at a business in Kisbey, a second came from a residence in Carlyle, and a third was reported from a residence in Manor.

A post-pounder was reported as missing from a yard in Redvers. Further investigation revealed it had been removed by the manufacturer for repair, at a time when employees were not present.

Warrants for the arrest of three individuals have been issued after they failed to appear at court in Carlyle. Wanted are two males aged 28, and a third male aged 24.

And finally, a caller complained about stray animals on his property. It turned out the horses had broken loose from an enclosure after a fence was damaged. The owner of the animals issued an apology and said the fence would be repaired..

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