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Weekly RCMP report

A total of 62 calls came in to the Carlyle detachment of the RCMP for the week of July 27 until Aug 2. A speeding ticket was issued to a 31-year-old male on highway 9 July 27. The male was travelling 106 km/hr in an 80 km zone. The fine was $136.

A total of 62 calls came in to the Carlyle detachment of the RCMP for the week of July 27 until Aug 2.

A speeding ticket was issued to a 31-year-old male on highway 9 July 27. The male was travelling 106 km/hr in an 80 km zone. The fine was $136.

Another speeding ticket was handed out near Redvers. This vehicle was clocked in at doing 132 km/hr in the 100km zone. The fine was $184 for the 42 year-old male.

The speeding continued when a 27-year-old male was clocked doing 130 km/hr in a 100km zone on highway 13 near Arcola. The fine was $150.

There was later a false alarm to a business in Kenosee. It was set off by an employee when a cord got caught in the door.

There was a report of a couple of males screaming from their vehicles in the area. Members made patrol and located the vehicle. The men explained that one of their friends had been misbehaving so they had taken him home.

There was a request to locate a 16-year-old who left home. She was located by a member at the other parent's residence.

There was a complaint in the area that a couple of intoxicated people were causing problems. Members attended and arrested one 27-year-old male and removed him from the residence. The other individual was gone on arrival.

Another false alarm occurred at a business in Carlyle. Members attended but the building was secure. It is unsure what caused the alarm to go off.

A call came in from regional communications about the Redvers fire department responding to a call of an electrical smell coming from a business. Members attended and found out that an air conditioning unit had started to smoke. Everyone was evacuated with no injuries. It was all over when the member arrived on the scene.

A water exhaust pump was reported stolen in Wawota. This matter is still under investigation.

A call to complain of a semi truck cutting off two cars was received. Members contacted the complainant to ask what she would like to have done. The woman responded by saying "nothing, because nothing gets done anyways". She was advised that if she provided a statement charges would ensue. However she did not wish to provide a statement. Therefore no charges were made.

Three hundred meters of cable were stolen off a job site southeast of Manor. The value is about $1,700. There are no witnesses or suspects at this time. The matter is still under investigation.

An individual came in to the detachment to report he had lost his wallet walking home from a recreational centre in Carlyle. He attend the next day to say that it had been returned to the facility with all the money and identification still inside.

A report of a traffic accident came in from Railway Avenue in Redvers. There were no injuries. A female ran a yield sign and ran her car into the passenger side of the other vehicle. The complainant's vehicle was drivable, the other vehicle was not. RCMP attended, it was determined that sun glare was the cause. No charges were laid.

A complaint was received of an erratic driver ripping around the area in a red truck, being a nuisance. The complainant did not have the license plate number or a description of the driver. Police made a patrol, but no vehicle was located.

Another complaint of a single vehicle accident came in. A 17-year-old female had rolled her car into a ditch. The RCMP determined that lack of experience was to blame, as the girl was a new driver. The incident occurred on gravel roads. No medical attention was required, and no charges were laid.

The 28th began with a speeding ticket being issued to a 52-year-old man on Highway 9 in the area. He was caught doing 112 km/hr in an 80 km district. The fine was $184.

A half ton truck hitting a ditch was phoned in by Kisbey. The matter has not been updated.

A call came in to assist in locating a child in the area. Members attended and the girl was returned back to the residence.

There was then a report of someone yelling and banging on a complainant's door in the area. Members attended and found a 38-year-old male passed out on the deck. He was lodged in cells due to his intoxication level. It also turned out that he had warrants, so these warrants were executed.

A call came in over a domestic dispute in Carlyle. It was decided that one of the partners would stay somewhere else for the night, and things would be worked out later on.

Another complaint was made of an erratic driver near Moose Mountain Creek. The driver was swerving around the roads and causing distractions to other drivers. The vehicle was not located.

A complaint was made of a employer-employee dispute in the area. A threat was uttered. It turned out the complainant just wanted the other person spoken to. Both people involved agreed to work things out amongst themselves.

There was a complaint from a resident of the area complaining of an erratic driver driving by her house swearing at her. The matter is still continuing.

There was a false alarm at a business in Carlyle. All the doors were secure and there was no sign of forced entry into the building.

Another domestic dispute erupted in Carlyle. The complainant was arguing with her husband and wanted him out of the house. A member attended and a solution was found. One partner would move out to an employer's rental property in Arcola. The wife decided however that she wanted him to stay home and babysit while she worked. He then went to Arcola later on in the evening.

On the 29th a complaint was phoned in about someone supplying minors with alcohol in the area. This complaint is still under investigation.

A complaint was phoned in about a dog being locked in a blue vehicle in the sun. When members attended the car had left.

A call was received to assist the conservation officer at Kenosee Lake. He had caught an individual with two stolen bikes. The file has not been updated.

An individual phoned the department to advise them she had locked her keys in her car outside the Catholic church. A member attended and contacted CAA to make arrangements for them to come unlock the doors.

A speeding ticket was issued to a 28-year-old male in Arcola. The speed limit was 100 km but he was caught doing 125km. The ticket was $135.

The 30th began with a report of somebody setting off fireworks in a back alley in Carlyle. It is a continuing issue. A member attended but no one was there, and there were no signs of mischievous behaviour.

There was a complaint of break and enter at a recreational centre in the area. The windows were smashed in the door, and the inside of the location was trashed. The members took photos and seized evidence. The matter is still under investigation.

An individual attended the detachment requesting a peace bond against her parents. The matter is still continuing.

There was a gas and dash complaint at the Carlyle convenience store. Two males were seen inside the vehicle heading towards Manor. The matter has not been updated.

A woman phoned the department to report an intoxicated person walking by her house in the area. Apparently they have a bad past and she didn't want him in her area.

On the 31st matters began by issuing a speeding ticket to a 31-year-old male near Kisbey. He was doing 140 km in an 100km zone. The fine was $214.

There was a complaint of harassing phone calls from an individual in Wawota. This matter is still being investigated.

There was a 911 call regarding a field fire. The field fire was threatening a house in Arcola. The Carlyle fire department put the fire out on a pick-up truck. Approximately 160 acres of winter wheat was also destroyed.

There was a report of a hit and run that occurred on Canada Day in the resort area. The complainant filled out paperwork for SGI.

Another complaint of a hit and run was reported. A truck backed into a van on highway 13. No plate was reported, but the matter is still under investigation.

There was another traffic complaint about a young male driver driving 160km an hour. It was called in by an off-duty member. There was no chance for the Carlyle Detachment to catch up to it and it was sent to the Broadview detachment.

An individual reported hitting a box on highway 8. He left his vehicle on the road for a few days so he could purchase new rims. When he returned his windows and back windshield had been damaged. It was reported for SGI purposes.

The 1st began with a report of a Black Angus cow on the side of the highway. The caller advised that the cow was not on the highway but wanted to notify the RCMP. The RCMP attended later on to find that no cow was there.

A couple of people attended the office to discuss a family dispute matter. The issue was reported only to make the RCMP aware.

There was a complaint of mischief. The complainant just wanted to report that someone had left a dirt pile in the middle of the road and that he had to clean it up.

Members entered into a fraud investigation regarding some cheques which had been written in Carlyle. This matter is still under investigation.

There was another call regarding cheque fraud in Redvers. The complainant had made arrangement with the individual to get the payments back. No charges were laid.

A 911 call came in regarding a complainant who thought they heard a big crash and a female screaming. The Carlyle ambulance was advised. When members attended they found a 27 year-old male driver and a female passenger rolled over in a ditch. One patient had a broken leg and one had severe injuries. Both were transported to Regina from Arcola hospital. Blood has been sent out for analysis after the driver blew an F. Charges are pending.

There was a complaint of someone fearing for his life locked inside his bedroom. The man feared his co-worker was going to kill him. The only weapon the complainant had was a pen. RCMP attended and all was calm. The subjects worked together and had been drinking. The complainant was not being attacked and only called to prevent further things from happening.

The 2nd started with a report of a hit and run in Arcola. There was minor damage. Orange paint was left behind. The matter is still being investigated.

This matter was followed by a 911 call. The complainant was asked to call police because another individual was intoxicated and beating up on his cousin and girlfriend. Members attended. The suspect was arrested and lodged in cells over night.

Another 911 call followed. An individual in a truck was parked outside a residence where he was not supposed to be. He was gone on arrival by the RCMP officer. It is still under investigation.

There was a report of a battery fire south of Forget. Kisbey fire responded and there were no injuries.

A 911 call complaint of an intoxicated individual in the area. The complainant wanted to hide from him because he was throwing things in her house. She was scared and wanted him out of the house, afraid he would smash windows. Members attended but the complainant was gone upon arrival. The suspect was sitting in the living room intoxicated, calmly playing video games. No charges were laid.

Members assisted child and family services with the apprehension of two children.

A 911 call followed. Initially there was no one on the line, then a male caller came on the line saying to never mind because they were just playing with the phone. Nothing out of the ordinary was heard in the background. This file has not been updated.

A report of two female siblings fighting on their yard in the area. The mother phoned police. Members attended and both individuals were now in the basement. Neither would give any information to the police. They then began to get violent again and were arrested for breaching the peace and were lodged in cells over night.

Another 911 call followed informing the member that her phone was not working. She was in tears and said her carrier would not help her. The complainant sounded confused and upset. The file has not been updated yet.

A complaint from the area came in from six different complainants of two Asian males in white shirts going door to door trying to get residents to sign papers. It is believed they were trying to sell gas.

Another individual called the detachment to inform officers of individuals sitting on Main Street in Carlyle. The member attended and found the men with a bottle half empty of Listerine. No one would claim the Listerine. It was dumped and the subject of the complaints were asked not to loiter.

A vehicle driving on highway 13 was stopped by police. A 19-year-old female received a 24 hour suspension for blowing an A into the blood alcohol breathalyser.

A complainant reported two individuals having a fight. The complainant has children and was concerned that the fighters had now disappeared. RCMP attended and both suspects complained of assault. No statements were recorded at the time due to intoxication. Investigation is still underway.

A complainant called to inform someone walking around the properties of her neighbours. The person wasn't from the area. Dogs were barking and the complainant was worried. A member patrolled to confirm that the man was gone.

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