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Warriors of Wellness - Healing through the hands and feet

Dorothy Desautels has learned a lot about natural health over the years. She's seen it at work first hand and it is what led her to become a reflexologist.
Dorothy Desautels offers reflexology, Indian Head Massage and Reiki out of her home west of Alida.

Dorothy Desautels has learned a lot about natural health over the years. She's seen it at work first hand and it is what led her to become a reflexologist. Now she works out of her home west of Alida, helping those who are interested in alternative health therapies.

"Over the years, I and my family have had several heath issues," explained Desautels. "I just always thought there had to be something more natural that could help without all the adverse side effects - mainly to the liver, kidneys and internal body cells - from the many pharmaceuticals."

What she discovered was reflexology.

"Reflexology is a natural healing art based on the principle that there are reflexes in the feet, hands and ears which correspond to every part, gland and organ of the body," explained Desautels. "Through application of pressure on these reflexes, reflexology relieves tension, improves circulation, and helps promote the natural function of the related areas of the body."

Reflexology is considered a alternative or complementary therapy and is not meant to take the place of advice from a physician. However, people who have received treatments from a reflexologist have noted positive outcomes regarding health problems they experienced for years with little reprieve through modern medicine.

One man Desautels treated could hardly walk - even with a cane - when he first came to sit down in her chair. She agreed to do a light treatment on him first to ensure he could handle it. He had just come from the doctor with a sciatic nerve.

Once she finished her first light treatment, she asked him to stand up out of the chair. He stood up with no problem, completely surprising himself and Desautels. He felt much better so she continued with her treatment.

Another client who is living with diabetes also had a great experience with reflexology. As a diabetic, this client had no feeling in her toes for the past 15 years. Desautels worked on her and to her surprise, the client could feel tingling in her toes.

She explained the situation to her mentor, who confirmed this type of result happens all the time.

Reflexology can be administered on the feet, hands and head, however, foot reflexology is the most common in the Western World. Whether applied on the feet, hands or head, it involves the physical act of applying pressures with specific thumb, finger and hand techniques to various points.

"Each point corresponds to a specific heart, gland, organ of the body," Desautels explains.

The belief in reflexology is that each part of the body or organ is represented on the hands and feet, and massaging the specific areas on the hands and feet which correspond which these various parts produces a therapeutic effect.

Reflexology is believed to have therapeutic benefits essentially because the applied pressure will stimulate flow of energy, blood, nutrients, and nerve impulses to the corresponding body part, thereby relieving stress or ailments in that area.

"The nervous system can only respond to a limited amount of sensory information at one time," Desautels explained. "When the system becomes overloaded, it short circuits, closing the pain gate, which interrupts the pain cycles. By stimulating the nerve endings of the feet with reflexology, the blood and nerve supply is improved to all areas of the body, the lymphatic area is stimulated which boosts the immune system, improves circulation to aid in elimination of excess waste products and fluids, increases oxygen, and promotes the natural function of the body. All cure starts from within, out; from the head, down; and in reverse order as the symptoms have appeared."

Desautels said reflexology can help cleanse the body of toxins, increase circulation, assist in weight loss and improve the overall health of the body. While she can assist the body in many ways with a reflexology treatment, she informs all her clients, she cannot treat for specific ailments.

"If somebody comes and says, 'I have a sore elbow, can you help my elbow?' we never say yes or no because we don't specify," Desautels explained. "It's a whole body treatment. A reflexologist can aid in the healing process but cannot diagnose, prescribe, treat for specific conditions, or use machines or therapies not endorsed by the Reflexology Association of Canada.

Desautels loves to see the results reflexology has on people. As she goes along, touching the reflex points on a person's foot, she can tell - just by touching - some of the problems a person may be having. She can read the story a foot is trying to tell about a person's body.

In order to assess improvement during and between each treatment, she charts the results as she moves along. This way she also has something to go back to in the future if a client has a relapse of a problem dealt with during earlier treatments.

Reflexology can be slightly intimidating for someone who knows nothing about it, and as Desautels so eloquently puts it, "as for the sceptics, a relaxing treatment may just put your body totally into balance."

"I like helping people deal with their health issues naturally," said Desautels. "Once I discovered how much natural methods can help, I think alternative choices should be available to everyone to choose if they want."

This has led her to become a proponent of natural health methods as her quest for learning and teaching others is never-ending.

Besides becoming a reflexologist over a year ago, she attained her Indian Head Massage certificate in March of this year. She has also been a Reiki practitioner for three years. She continuously educates herself by reading so she is knowledgeable on other natural health methods in addition to the ones she works with on a day-to-day basis.

For more information about what Desautels can offer, or to book an appointment, contact her at 443-2339.

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