The following comments are from the Carlyle Skating Coach (in part) and were submitted with Tiana’s nomination.
        Tiana Dellalleau has been helping out with the CanSkate program in Carlyle for about five years. She started out as a helper during the CanSkate sessions and is now a Program Assistant.
        Tiana is always the first person on the ice ready to set up her circuit for that day. She does a fantastic job of setting up our skill circuits and always ensures that our skaters are having fun. She is always super respectful, reliable and knowledgeable and works really well with skaters of all ages and skills.
        No matter how busy she may be she always makes it a priority to be at CanSkate. Whenever I need her to help out with our bridging program she is always up to do it. Tiana is always willing to help out wherever and whenever she can
        It has been a fantastic experience being able to see her go from a young Can-Skater to a very valuable Program assistant. I think that Tiana is very deserving of the Program Assistant award.
                 Congratualations Tiana!