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Secret Santa hits during the holiday season

We see it in the movies. We hear about it in the big-city newspapers. But how often, does a Secret Santa hit close to home? Before Dec. 20, Angeline Redstone was like most people. She had never received an anonymous gift from someone she didn't know.
Angeline Redstone was the recipient of an anonymous gift this holiday season. Redstone is pictured here with a card she received on Dec. 20.

We see it in the movies.

We hear about it in the big-city newspapers.

But how often, does a Secret Santa hit close to home?

Before Dec. 20, Angeline Redstone was like most people. She had never received an anonymous gift from someone she didn't know.

But all of that changed on a miraculous Dec. 22 day when Redstone opened her mail. Redstone received a gift that not only brought tears to her eyes, but to each and every person's eyes that would soon learn about the generous gift and the reasoning behind it.

With tears of joy and heartfelt appreciation, Redstone told her story in an effort to send thanks to a person that she may never have the chance to thank in person.

"I went and picked up my mail a couple of days ago [on Dec. 20] and it was the only thing that was in my mailbox, along with some flyers. I went and sat in my van and I opened it. And this is what I found."

"I thought it was just a Christmas card. Just a Christmas card. I never expected anything at all. I read the card and when I looked at the folded piece of paper, I just couldn't believe it. I cried then, and I thought this is too good to be true."

"No one has ever done this for me. Never, ever, ever have I had something anonymous like this sent to me in the mail. I was shocked."

The Christmas card, signed by "A Friend," left Redstone with no information as to who the card was from. "I looked at it over and over again. I looked at the money order and I looked for a signature and peeked around in the envelope, and I didn't know what to make of it. It has never happened to me. We have always made it on our own by faith, every year, with me having a big family. We live by faith. This is a blessing, a real blessing."

"I have lost some sleep thinking about who could it be, who could it be? I've looked at the printing and I have no idea who it could be. Someone who can afford to send me $500."

While Redstone may be in shock by the anonymous gift, just talking with her is enough to understand why someone would take it upon themselves to give such a generous gift to her. Redstone, who is known for taking in family members and children that need a place to live, is widely known as being a 'giver' rather than a 'receiver'. Currently acting as the caregiver of six school-aged children, Redstone has been the caregiver for 22 children throughout the years.

But regardless of her giving nature, the financial gift of $500 was unimaginable to Redstone. "I take them in because they have no place to go. I don't have anything to give, I just give them my love."

"I know from my upbringing that I wouldn't want them [the kids] to go homeless or be separated. I love them and I feel like I need to do this for them. Because I need to show them that someone loves them, that I love them and I want to show them I love them. Everything I do is for those kids."

Redstone's daughter, Dana, who currently serves in the military and is home for Christmas said, "I think it's a miracle. It is a really awesome blessing. It is unbelievable. She does such a good job with the kids and with everyone. Not just her kids. She puts everyone else before herself. I think she really deserves this."

The gift means more to Redstone than "A Friend" could ever imagine. "Whoever it is, I thank them from the bottom of my heart," said Redstone. "And I pray for many blessings and good health for them, and that they will continue, whoever it is, that they will continue to be the Christian person they are."

"And I would like him or her to reveal themselves at one point, so I can thank them in person," said Redstone laughingly with a big smile on her face and a twinkle in her eye.

"I thank that person very, very much. I just can't stop thanking them, whoever it is. So thank you, whoever you are. There truly are angels out there, there really is."

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