Tax enforcement
               A topic of lengthy discussion involved the consideration of utilizing a collection agent regarding two home owners’ taxes. A letter will be sent out to warn the homeowners that they must be in to the town office to set up a payment plan and that if a payment is missed, the matter will be forwarded to the collection agent.
Purchase of equipment
               Council approved the purchase of a new street sweeper.
Library installation
               A baby change table will be installed at the library.
Fire bylaws discussed
               The Fire Board reported that a request from the Carlyle Fire Department was placed to create a bylaw regarding fire pits size and distance from structures in town. Also, that a fire ban bylaw be created for the Fire Department to enforce as needed. Council discussed and determined they already have certain fire related bylaws in place for the Fire Department to utilize.
Green and Clean
               It was reported that the Green and Clean Committee is working on either a sketch or map of the walking path they are going to establish throughout Carlyle.
Parking bylaw amendment
               Bylaw 2015-03 was passed. The bylaw was an amendment to Bylaw 2820, The Traffic Bylaw, where the no parking in front of the apartments along Mountain Drive was confirmed. It was also extended to include the area further east around the curve as people sometimes park here which causes a danger to those travelling around the corner.
Rusty Relics Museum
               A motion was passed to continue funding the Rusty Relics Museum at their usual $2,600 per year.
Waterworks assessment
               The Waterworks System Assessment’s third round needs to be completed this year. Town has one offer to do the work at $6,700, but they are awaiting another company’s cost and are checking into a third business as well.
               Huguette Lutz was appointed as a voting delegate to the SAMA AGM.
               Council looked through a report of Public Works Time Spent 2014. This showed where town employees are working and where the majority of their time is spent.