On Thursday March 7th, multiple members of the Combined Traffic Services Saskatchewan (CTSS) were inCarlylefor sometraining. This included RCMP members from Broadview, Ft. Qu’ Appelle, Estevan, Weyburn and Carlyle.
Around the lunch hourCTSS members took advantage ofbeing in the same area and went around townto doa blitz on traffic enforcement, particularly around the school zone in response to community requestscomplainingof erratic driving near the schools.
Several tickets and warningswere issued for various moving violations and equipment regulations.
There were also 3 drug recognition experts working who can conduct field sobriety testing by directing an individual to performa number of psycho-motortests and measure involuntary responses to certain visual stimuli.It was also an opportunityforone of the traffic memberswho has been trained to operate and was carryingthe new “DRAEGER 5000” oral swab drug recognition equipment an approve device under the Criminal Code for detecting impairment by drug.
Under the new cannabis laws, if charged for operating a conveyance (motor vehicle) with a THC levelfrom 2 nanograms but less than5 nanograms per ml of blood isa straight summary offence. if charged for operating a conveyance (motor vehicle) with a THC levelof5 nanograms per ml of blood or more will be a hybrid offence.It is a criminal offence to refuse the demand made by a peace officer to provide a sample.
Two vehicles were stopped over the lunch hour andsubmitted oral samples, one driver passed, the other did not. The driver who failed was arrested and is nowunder investigation for drug impaired driving.The driver was later released and no charges have been laid yet as the matter is stillunderinvestigation.