CES Energy Solutions Corp. (OTC:CESDF) (Nasdaq International Designation) (TSX:CEU), a leading provider of technically advanced consumable chemical solutions throughout the lifecycle of the oilfield, visited the Nasdaq MarketSite in Time Square.
   In honor of the occasion, Tom Simons, President & Chief Executive Officer, rang the Closing Bell on Sept. 27.
   CES is a leading provider of technically advanced consumable chemical solutions throughout the lifecycle of the oilfield. This includes solutions at the drill-bit, at the point of completion and stimulation, at the wellhead and pump-jack, and finally through to the pipeline and midstream market. CES' business model is relatively asset light and requires limited reinvestment capital to grow. As a result, CES has been able to capitalize on the growing market demand for drilling fluids and production and specialty chemicals in North America while generating free cash flow.
   Additional information about CES is available at www.sedar.com or on the Company's website at www.cesenergysolutions.com.
   Nasdaq International is a designation. The companies are not listed or traded on The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC, and are not subject to the same listing or qualification standards applicable to securities listed or traded on an exchange. The U.S. shares will continue to trade on the OTC.