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Weyburn businesses weather a challenging year: Chamber of Commerce director

The Weyburn Chamber of Commerce provided resources and connections with local and national leaders
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Business owners in Weyburn have weathered some tough challenges in 2021, says the Chamber of Commerce director

WEYBURN – Weyburn and area businesses have persevered and overcome the challenges that the year has brought, said the executive director Larry Heggs of the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce, while 2021 had many issues around COVID for businesses to deal with, be it supply chain, lockdowns, or vaccine passports.

“This strong-willed group of entrepreneurs and community leaders that make up the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce will see their way through the pandemic and in fact will become stronger because of it,” said Heggs in a year-end review of the Chamber’s activities. “Local Weyburn businesses have confidence in a full financial recovery. This speaks to not only the businesses drive to succeed but also their optimism.”

The Chamber itself has been working in many areas trying to help the charge of these great entrepreneurs, whether it be through hosting events like the coffee with the Chamber, held 10 times this year, or meeting with many Saskatchewan government ministers from finance to environment.

Along with meeting with Souris-Moose Mountain MP Dr. Robert Kitchen, the Chamber also had the opportunity to host federal Conservative leader Erin O'Toole, who addressed a group of area Chambers of Commerce online.

The network and conversations the Weyburn Chamber has are so very valuable in keeping the lines of communication and area concerns top of mind. The Chamber also had the pleasure to meet with the Weyburn Mayor Marcel Roy and administration many times in 2021. “Their drive to make Weyburn a great place to business cannot be overstated,” commented Heggs.

The Weyburn Chamber of Commerce under the direction of the Chamber Board undertook the single largest campaign in its history, a campaign that is more relevant now than ever. Its goal is to drive local spending to improve not only the business community but the community as a whole.

The “Meet Weyburn” campaign consisted of an educational piece showing local consumers if they only spent 10 per cent more of their annual spending in Weyburn area businesses, the city could raise their GDP by $12.5 million, and better yet create 278 local jobs, a huge win for the area.

“Meet Weyburn also produced 25 business videos showcasing different areas of our great Chamber businesses. These videos not only heightened awareness to the business community but also explained why it is so very critical we support local business,” said Heggs.

“As 2021 winds to a close, I feel the best is yet to come for our local business community. It gives me great pleasure to be surrounded by such a wonderful group of people that make up the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce,” said Heggs. “The Chamber is far more than businesses, it’s the people. These great people employ our sons or daughters, our aunts or uncles, sponsor our local events, and above all are daily champions for our City. We as a community need not only support these businesses but thank them for what they do although they would never take credit.”

The executive director concluded with the wish, “On behalf of the board of directors, management and staff of the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce, we wish you a Happy New Year and a prosperous 2022.”

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