President and CEO of the Regina International Airport Authority James Bogusz attended a meeting held by the Estevan Chamber of Commerce on Wednesday, and discussed the airport’s future plans regarding expansion, and serving the people in surrounding communities.
The discussion focused largely on plans which the airport has developed to maintain competitiveness in the market, while making steps towards increasing ease of use for passengers in the airport’s facilities. He also touched on the possibility of making travel out of Regina International more viable for people in the Estevan community.
Unfortunately, he said there are no current plans for the addition of later flights; this however is due to the airlines, and not the airport, Bogusz explained.
When asked by a member of the audience if later flights would be an option, as it is difficult for a family with young children to leave the city at 3 a.m. for a 6 a.m. flight, Bogusz explained that the airlines decide the flight times based off of the ability to link those flights to major destination hubs, which in turn allows the airline to make a larger profit.
The discussion also focused on long-term goals for the airport, which included the leasing of land to businesses in the area. A deal was recently made between the airport and Canada Post, who will be building a 50,000-square foot facility on airport property in the near future.
Next week’s Mercury will have more on this story.