The carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility at SaskPower’s Boundary Dam Power Station had another strong month in April, as it was online for the vast majority of the month.
The facility was available 94.9 per cent of the time. A minor repair to a leaking cooler required the compressor to come offline for 36 hours and was the month’s only outage.
The 12-month average for time online in the previous 12 months was 66 per cent.
In total, the CCS facility captured 70,039 tonnes of carbon dioxide in April, which represents 72 per cent of its maximum capacity.
The 12-month average is 50,875 tonnes of CO2 captured. The unit has been above 70,000 tonnes of CO2 captured each month in 2017, and a total of 300,912 tonnes have been captured so far this year.
In April, the daily amount of CO2 captured at Boundary Dam peaked at 2,815 tonnes. The average for the previous 12 months was 1,877 tonnes for the daily peak.
More than 2.14 million tonnes of CO2 have been captured at the CCS facility since it went online in October 2014.Â
Boundary Dam Unit 3 averaged a little more than 120 megawatts of power produced, which is in line with the previous three months. The 12-month average is 106 megawatts.
The CCS facility was taken offline May 4 for a planned outage to clean the equipment and inspect modifications installed last summer. The facility is expected to remain offline for 10 days.
This will also mark the end of a production run of 136 days without having to take a major maintenance outage, and during this time the facility was available 98.8 per cent of the time.