A decision has yet to be made on how the Estevan Farm Family of the Year Award will be presented, but it appears it will be handed out this year.
It just won’t be at the traditional Farmers’ Appreciation Evening.
Jackie Wall, the executive director for the Estevan Chamber of Commerce, said that with the restrictions that are currently in place, they can’t do a public event with hundreds of people in attendance like they normally would.
But they are looking at an alternative.
The recipient for the 2020 Farm Family of the Year honour was selected before the Farmer’s Appreciation Evening for that year was called off due to COVID-19. The winner for 2020, which has not been disclosed, will carry over to this year.
“We have been in contact with the Farm Family award winner. There’s a lot of different people that we need to make sure that we consult, but first and foremost is the farm family award winner.â€
After meetings and feedback from the Farm Family, it appears the award will be presented this year through an alternate system. Another meeting will be held in February, and then Wall hopes they can come out with all the details.
Wall pointed out they need to contact all of the sponsors, and anyone who potentially wants to provide recognition. They have what they believe to be a good format in place, but they want to go over it with the farm family.
Wall said the organizing committee wants to take this year to appreciate the farming community and to provide recognition.
The Farmer’s Appreciation Evening is a project of the chamber and the Estevan Exhibition Association, and has a committee of different organizations and businesses involved with agriculture.