The McDonald’s restaurant in Estevan is celebrating the completion its new state-of-the-art dual-lane drive thru.
“We converted our single-lane drive thru into a new dual lane configuration and we also upgraded our menu board to a new digital system that includes video menu boards, and a complex camera system that ties into the tills to help ensure that orders are going to the correct vehicles,” said restaurant owner-operator Tim Jenish.
The upgrade to the digital menu boards will provide an easier and more accurate experience for the customers as they will be able to change throughout the day between the regular and breakfast menus, and they can reflect changes in prices for sales and promotions.
Upgrades also include a new high definition sound system between the customers and the till staff.
The upgrades have also provided a few more job opportunities as it requires more staff to meet the higher flow of customers travelling through the drive thru. This was welcomed by Jenish as a business owner working to strengthen the economy “We have a high level of confidence in the economy in Estevan, we have seen highs and we have seen lows, but the community has always worked hard to make sure that the city stays strong and they have supported us along the way.”
While the staff adjusts to the system, Jenish says that customers may experience slightly higher wait times, but assures the public that the kinks are being worked out.
“A lot of our staff are young people and part-time so it takes some time to get them all up to par on the system, but they have all gone through an extensive training program and are working on the hands on training at this time.”
Many other McDonald’s restaurants in the area have already made the upgrade to a dual-lane drive thru, Estevan is one of the first in the province to upgrade to the completely digital experience.