The carbon capture and storage (CCS) facility at SaskPower’s Boundary Dam Power Station captured 62,699 tonnes of carbon dioxide (CO2) and produced 77.4 tonnes of sulfuric acid from captured sulfur dioxide.
The acid plant was offline for most of September for upgrades.
The CCS facility was online 83.4 per cent of the month, coming offline for 119.4 hours, or about five days, to accommodate outages at Boundary Dam Unit 3. The average for the previous 12 months is 75 per cent.
An average of 105 megawatts of power was generated last month at Unit 3, above the 12-month average of 100.4 megawatts.
The volume of CO2 captured was 65 per cent of capacity for the CCS facility, which is ahead of the 12-month average of 57 per cent.
Also, the average capture rate was 2,411 tonnes per day with a peak one-day capture of 2,775 tonnes of CO2.
In the first nine months of the year, a total of 506,848 tonnes of CO2 have been captured. Since the CCS facility came online in October 2014, more than 2.93 million tonnes of CO2 have been captured.