Ever heard the expression, “Home is where the heart is?” Let me rephrase that question: “Who hasn’t?”
It was a present in the form of a gift card from one of our granddaughters that got me thinking about the expression. As I struggled to find a topic for today’s article I decided to head to Tim Horton’s. There, while standing in line at the order counter of this iconic Canadian quick-service restaurant, I couldn’t help but notice a poster that read: Home is where Tim’s is. Hmm, I mused, now that sounds like something to chew on. Or more accurately, to sip on. After enjoying my medium steeped tea (with three milk, please) I headed home to do some Internet searching.
I found it interesting to discover that the first attributed use of the term “home is where the heart is” was traced back to Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23-79). Many centuries later its first recorded use in North America was said to be in the United States in 1870. J.J. McCloskey, in a volume of plays titled “Davey Crockett and Other Plays” wrote: “Well, home, they say, is where the heart is.”
Looking back over my life I realized I’ve left my heart in a couple of places, including the prairie towns of Saskatchewan. Yes it’s cold out there and yes, farming is big and mechanized, but I learned to love the culture and the people. Above all else, though, my heart is centred in the hope and peace that come from a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Am I perfect? Far from it! I have no greater desire, though, than to please Christ on earth and to live with Him for eternity. Even more amazing is that He longs to live in me.
“That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith….” (Ephesians 3:17)