For us Canadians, the Writ has been dropped, the gloves are off and it's no holds barred. We're going to the polls.
Reaching back to youthful memories, I recall snuggling close to a battery operated radio, tucked judiciously under the blankets, of course, and listening to news of any and every election. I never pretended to understand all the debates or issues but I was fascinated by the fervour with which speeches were delivered, intrigued by the predictions made by lauded experts on both or many sides of any argument. As a young teenager I even thought about a career in such a noble calling. That was more years ago than I care to recall.
I am not going to comment on our upcoming election as such but here are a few of my thoughts on the matter of making choices in our personal as well as our national lives: first, we need the wisdom of God because that's the beginning of true knowledge; next, by asking God for His wisdom, we can gain a better understanding of justice, equity and right living; finally, we need God's wisdom in order to enjoy life to its fullest.
Throughout the biblical Wisdom Book, Proverbs, the virtues of wisdom are constantly extolled. Wisdom will preserve you, promote you, direct your steps and "keep your foot from being caught" (3:26; 4:1-9). When life pushes us to make convenient or hasty decisions, seeking to know God's ways in our personal lives is a source of the guidance and security that we need.
We're also given instructions when it comes to government. While we can't control every decision they make, we are instructed to pray "for…all who are in authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence".
He hears the prayer of the righteous.