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The gift of a friend

This week I've spent a lot of time thinking about the blessings of my life and I came to the conclusion that of all earth's treasures, I count friends to be among the most valuable.

This week I've spent a lot of time thinking about the blessings of my life and I came to the conclusion that of all earth's treasures, I count friends to be among the most valuable. As if to further stimulate my thoughts, this morning's reading of Scripture included the story of Saul, later to be renamed the Apostle Paul, and his friend, Barnabus.

If you're familiar with the story you'll recall that before his conversion Paul was dedicated to the maltreatment of Christians. In fact, he delighted in rounding them up and having them tossed into jail with no mercy. The day came when he became a follower of Christ but his conversion, however, was met with warranted skepticism and fear by the Jerusalem congregation. After all, why believe this guy?

There are two powerful words in this story and they speak volumes: but Barnabas. Barnabas, also known as the Encourager, dared to put his own reputation on the line to stand with this new member of the church. Sure it could be said that Paul was just getting what he deserved, that he needed time to prove the validity of his claims or that he needed to demonstrate over a given period of time that he'd really changed. If ever he needed a friend to lean on, it was now.

This Barnabas fellow must have been a rare gem. By standing up for Paul he not only risked a backlash from his colleagues, he assumed the responsibility of informing Paul that he was to suffer for the name of Christ.

"Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down his life for his friends." (John 15:13); "A friend loveth at all times." (Proverbs 17:17)

May God both grant me and help me become a friend modelled after the heart of Barnabas.

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