Tillie Carlberg 1925 - 2015 It is with sadness, but also with thanksgiving for a long and full life, that the family of Mathilda Florence βTillieβ Carl- berg announces her passing at Hillview Manor, Estevan, SK on Tuesday, August 4, 2015 at the age o
ΜύIt is with sadness, but also
with thanksgiving for a long
and full life, that the family of
Mathilda Florence βTillieβ Carl-
berg announces her passing
at Hillview Manor, Estevan,
SK on Tuesday, August 4,
2015 at the age of 90 years.Μύ
ΜύΜύ Funeral arrangements are
pending, and a full obituary
will be placed in the Estevan
Mercury in the coming weeks.
ΜύΜύ Arrangements are entrusted
to Hall Funeral Services,