WEYBURN - The public is invited to hear from the International Souris River Board on Monday, February 26. There will be a presentation on the board and its activities, followed by time for people to ask questions or express concerns.
The International Souris River Board monitors water quality, aquatic ecosystem health and flow issues, and reports on the apportionment of water between Canada and the United States.
The public meeting is from 6-8 p.m. (CDT) at the Clarion Inn & Suites, 3130 Victoria Ave. in Brandon, Manitoba. There also will be an online component.
The board asks those interested in attending in person or online to register at https://us06web.zoom.us/webinar/register/wn_mqte05ditloza-yjm0bruw
When you register, please indicate if you plan to attend in person or participate online. You may submit a question or comment for the board during the registration process.
There also will be an opportunity for input during the meeting. Registration is requested to help with planning.
The Souris River originates in Saskatchewan, north of Weyburn, before winding its way through North Dakota and Manitoba to join the Assiniboine River. The board, appointed by the International Joint Commission, includes a Public Outreach and Advisory Committee, Indigenous Advisory Committee and other groups.
More information on the board is available at ijc.org/en/srb.