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Old pet peeves for the New Year

Ed, my neighbour next door, is beginning the New Year shaking his head at me. It bothers Ed that in seven days of Christmas holidays that I read four westerns and began reading three other books.

Ed, my neighbour next door, is beginning the New Year shaking his head at me. It bothers Ed that in seven days of Christmas holidays that I read four westerns and began reading three other books. I tried to explain that travelling 2,600 miles by train to and from the West coast lends itself to extra reading time. I informed Ed I still had lots of time to see all that can be seen of the train stops along the way. Ed says he will check out a map because he is sure I made up the name of train stop places such as Wolf Point, Havre, Cut Bank, Whitefish, Sandpoint and Pasco.

As proof of the westerns I read, I offered the names: The Killers of Cimarron, The Last Trail Drive, Texas Hellions and Nothing But A Drifter. It isn?t that Ed calls me a liar, but he believes reading books and travelling are nothing but a waste of time and money. Ed claims I?m too old to be reading cowboy and Indian stories and the only right way to travel by train is by hitching a ride in an empty box car.

It seems 2011 will be a repeat of 2010 when it comes to Ed. I dared to ask Ed if he was making any New Year?s resolutions or planning anything special for the coming year.

?Get real!? was Ed?s reply. ?You don?t fix what isn?t broken and you don?t go planning anything special because it will cost money for sure.?

?I suppose you have some weird plans for the coming year as usual?? Ed asked me.

?This year I?m going to strive to be more willing to be flexible and adaptable to others.?

?I doubt that is going to happen,? replied Ed.

?I know it is going to be a stretch, but it could happen with God?s power,? I suggested.

?More like a remarkable miracle,? chimed in Ed.

This is the year for it because, as the Bible says, we are like flowers that spring up and wither away. We are fleeting shadows that do not endure. God has given us a time limit we cannot exceed. It is time for me to stop trying to change others and the world. I?m planning to accept the world and all the people who come my way just as they are. This year I?m going enjoy them while I leave it to God to change them as he sees fit.

?Sounds like nonsense to me,? observed Ed. ?You will have to stop reading westerns. In westerns, there is always a conflict between those set on lying, stealing, cheating and killing, and those who resist them. You?ll never accomplish being flexible and adaptable next year. You are the ?shoot out? and ?smarten up or die? type.?

?You are right ? unconditional love and acceptance towards others has never been my strongest point. There is a reason for my attempt to change with God?s help. Jesus commanded us to love one another and in doing so we show we love Him. Jesus conquered evil with good. This year, I?m aiming at loving my neighbour as myself. ?

?This could be an exceptional year for me as your neighbour,? smirked Ed.

?God may not improve me quickly, so it may be months before you notice any improvement at all,? I warned Ed.

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