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In winter one day becomes like 40 days and 40 nights

Ed, my neighbour next door, has a theory about time becoming longer in the winter. The first winter storm this year caught Ed without snow tires and a drive from Yorkton to Melville took twice as long as usual.

Ed, my neighbour next door, has a theory about time becoming longer in the winter. The first winter storm this year caught Ed without snow tires and a drive from Yorkton to Melville took twice as long as usual. He was unable to get snow tires installed right away, so icy streets and roads caused him to crawl around town in time wasting slowness. Just after Ed finally got his snow tires installed, we got hit with fog and more fog. A trip to Regina and back took a week in one day, claims Ed.

It seems to me Ed is right, winter can mean spending more time. Often there is longer driving time needed to go the same distance because of snowy roads. It can also mean needing to leave earlier to have time for scraping frost, ice or snow off car windows. It can also seem like a winter storm is going on for 40 days and 40 nights. Then, of course, a week with temperatures hitting -40 C can seem like an eternity of suffering bone cracking cold.

Some take off during the winter so they can enjoy sun, sand and heat in a warmer climate. Many of us just stay put, making friends with our snow shovels. For some, winter brings curling, hockey, skiing, ice fishing and great adventure with a snowmobile. I think winter tends to be way too long. Some think it is not long enough because it's our mosquito free time. Ed says that winter is a "grin and bear it" time. I say it is a "grin and pray" time.

In winter, the weather tends to get out of control. Snow not only slows us down but can get us stuck in drifts. Blowing snow can cause whiteouts that make us unable to see where we are going. The deep cold of -40 C can freeze those without shelter and adequate warmth. Winter isn't for sissies or the careless. Winter weather deserves respect and caution.

The book of Genesis tells of a time when almost all people had lost their respect for God. Noah tried to caution them that a great flood was coming. They just ignored him as a wild fanatic until it started to rain and it did not stop for 40 days and 40 nights.

The disciples experienced bad weather when they travelled by boat across the lake. The Bible says that a furious squall came up and the waves broke over the boat so that it was nearly swamped. Jesus was with the disciples in the boat but he was asleep. The disciples woke him up asking him, "Don't you care if we drown?" Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm.

The wind and the waves obeyed Jesus, so I believe winter weather should be handled with prayer. Winter storms come to everyone, both those who respect God and those who don't. I pray for safety to all during bad winter weather. I pray God will give everyone respect for dangerous weather and a real sense of caution that may even include staying home if at all possible when bad weather hits.

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