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FITNESS MATTERS - Stress and your body

We all know what stress is. We probably all experience it from time to time, maybe even daily.

We all know what stress is. We probably all experience it from time to time, maybe even daily. Do you really know what kind of impact stress can have on your body?

When our bodies are under stress, hormones are released to help us deal with the stressor. Cortisol is one of these hormones. Cortisol has many purposes in the body including maintaining blood pressure, stimulating insulin release, maintaining blood sugar levels and helping to turn carbohydrates and fat into energy. Extra cortisol is released during high stress times.

Chronic stress and increased cortisol levels can be dangerous and lead to weight gain. Too much cortisol can slow down our metabolism causing us to gain weight. Also, stress tends to increase cravings of fatty, salty or sugary foods. When is the last time you felt stressed and craved a large, nutritious salad? More often we crave a big tub of ice cream or a bowl of potato chips. High stress and cortisol levels have also been proven to cause increases in abdominal fat which can be linked to any other health risks, including heart attacks. Stress tends to contribute to unhealthy choices. Hectic schedules have been blamed for people choosing fast food options due to lack of time to prepare healthy meals or skipping a daily workout because there just isn't enough time in the day to get to the gym.

So, what can you do about it? There are many stressors in life that you simply can't avoid. Sometimes, especially when stress levels are high, even small things can seem like huge burdens. It all boils down to effectively managing and reducing the stress in your life. Here are a few tips on how to do that.

Learn to say no. No one expects you to do everything. Don't burn yourself out.

Learn time management and delegation. Plan your days wisely. Focus on completing tasks rather than having 10 things on the go at the same time. At home, create a list of housework items that need to be completed and have each member of the household pick a few things. This way things are completed more quickly and you can teach your children responsibility at the same time.

Make time for number one! This means you. Rediscover that hobby that you have long forgotten about, take a long bath or simply do nothing at all. As humans we often worry so much about everyone else that we forget to take care of ourselves or we think that we can take care of ourselves later.

Straighten out your diet. We know that stress can cause us to gain weight but our diet can also play a role in our stress levels. Eating greasy, fatty and high sugar foods can leave us feeling tired, sluggish and more easily stressed.

Laughter is the best medicine. Smiling and laughter has been proven one of the most effective methods of stress reduction. Humour therapy is used by many clinics all over the world to reduce anxiety.

Don't sweat the small stuff. We have heard this a million times and it is really true. When we are under stress and pressure, even small responsibilities can seem overwhelming. Remember that they are small things. If the dishwasher doesn't get emptied today, will it really matter tomorrow or next week? Focus on the things in life that matter and will matter next week, next month or next year.

Exercise. This has been proven time and time again. Even as little as 20 minutes a day can make a huge difference in anxiety levels. And you guessed it, sex is included in this category. In fact, sex is in the top 10 list of favourite ways to reduce stress!

There are numerous ways to reduce stress. The key is to find what works well for you and make sure you are doing it regularly. Stress is a major cause of illness in our society. Our mind and body have an amazing connection. If our mind carries a lot of stress, our body will reflect that. Taking care of our health must be a balance of both mind and body wellness. Always remember that you are number one. Keeping yourself healthy must be a priority.

Say it! Mean it! Do it!

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