From the province:
The Financial and Consumer Affairs Authority (FCAA) is warning investors about iMetals Group, claiming to be based in Spain, and ucMetals Ltd., claiming to be based in the United Kingdom.
These entities are soliciting Saskatchewan investors and asking them to open commodities trading accounts. Companies and their representatives who trade or advise in securities or derivatives in Saskatchewan need to be registered with the FCAA. iMetals Group and ucMetals Ltd., are not registered with the FCAA.
Tips to protect yourself:
Always check the registration of the person or company selling or advising about securities or derivatives. To check registration, visit The Canadian Securities Administrations' National Registration Search at
Know exactly what you are investing in. Make sure you understand how the investment, product or service works.
Get a second opinion and seek professional advice before you invest.
If you have invested or been contacted by representatives of either iMetals Group or ucMetals Ltd., or if you have been the victim of any type of investment fraud attempt, please contact the FCAA's Securities Division at 306-787-5936.
For more investor protection information visit https://fcaa/