Sunday morning’s update from Wakaw’s Lakeview Pioneer Lodge relayed the sad information that another resident lost the battle with the virus bringing the total to five. The Board expressed their condolences to all and said this unfortunately shows how quickly things can change. There are still five residents under observation and having their condition monitored who are showing respiratory symptoms. One resident has been transferred to Victoria Hospital in Prince Albert. Four other residents are under observation and being monitored for symptoms of dehydration. Just 24 hours ago, things appeared to be stabilizing at the Lodge, but this comes as a reminder that this virus takes a deadly toll on the elderly and reinforces why it is so imperative for everyone to do all they can to minimize the risk for our seniors. A thank-you to the Wakaw EMS for continuing to send staff to the Lodge to assist whenever they are able.
The province’s weekly monitoring report on long term care facilities for Dec. 24, 2020 – Jan. 7, 2021 showed a case count of 62.
Wakaw has a large number of elderly residents who still live in their own homes and with the virus in our community it is even more important to take every precaution to stop it from spreading further. There is only so much medicine and public health orders can do. There is only so much the human body can do to heal itself and protect itself especially if it is at all in a weakened state. The best and the least that the public can do to assist the medicine, the health orders, and the bodies of anybody in any type of weakened state is to follow the recommendations that we have been reminded of so often in the past ten months. Wash your hands frequently, do not touch your face (if the virus is on your hands from something you have touched, it can gain access to your body through touching your eyes or your mouth) wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, physically distance from others outside of your own household by a minimum of two metres, and stay home if you are at all unwell.