The Saskatchewan Health Authority is alerting the public of an increased risk of COVID-19 variants of concern in Lloydminster and is strongly urging residents to:
In public spaces, keep two metres away from others and always wear a mask.
Avoid gatherings: all gatherings are risky for COVID-19 transmission and indoor gatherings are an especially high risk.
Keep to your household bubble. Gatherings between households remain a primary driver of transmission.
Avoid unnecessary travel.
If you are able to work from home, work from home at this time. If you cannot, ensure that you are following all the guidelines in your workplace. Do not share any food or drink in the workplace, even in break rooms.
If you develop any symptoms, stay home and get tested as soon as possible. Testing is an important way to detect the COVID-19 virus and its variants early and stop the spread. Call HealthLine 811 or your physician for a referral for testing or visit your local .
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Do not touch your eyes, nose, mouth or mask with unwashed hands.
When you are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, get one. All vaccines are safe and effective, including against variants. Current vaccine information can be found at .
Variants of concern are dangerous; they are highly contagious, transmitting more quickly and to more people within the community. The increased spread of COVID-19 and its variants result in more illness, hospitalizations and deaths. Many of those falling ill are much younger than previously seen during the pandemic.