Eighteenwide-rangingUniversity of Saskatchewan crop research projects have been awardeda total ofalmost$5.8million through Saskatchewan’s Agriculture Development Fund, a program jointly supported by the federal and provincial governments and supplemented by industry partners.
Innovative research intodisease resistantand nutritious crops, human health applicationsofcannabis, biodegradable plastics made of plants,and tracing the carbon footprint of an agricultural operation areamongtheUSaskprojectssupported bythe program, which also attracted almost $1.9 million intotalindustry fundingfor the teams.
“This major investment in USask research is indicative of the key role the university plays in growing Saskatchewan’s capacity as a world leader in the agricultural sector,” said USask Vice-President Research Karen Chad.
“The adoption of new agricultural technologies and creation of competitive, value-added products has the potential for real-life benefits, including new jobs and increased economic prosperity for the province.”
The ADF program is supported through the Canadian AgriculturalPartnership, a five-year $388-million investment by the federal and provincial governments in initiatives forthe sector inSaskatchewan.A total of $9.8 million was announced Jan. 12 for39agricultural researchprojects inthe provinceand across the country. More than half were awarded to USask.
MajorUSaskprojectsawarded fundinginclude:
Strengthening pulse crops in the field and beyond:More than $1.4 millionhas beenawardedfrom theADFprogramto USask researcher Kirstin Bett for two projects:
Improving lentil quality and nutritional value by borrowing traits from wild lentils and developing new computerized imaging technology to target desirable seed characteristics. The results will lead to higher value lentils, and access to new, specialty markets for producers.
Developinghigh-yielding, disease-tolerant dry beanvarieties. The resultswill provide new, high-valuepulse cropoptionsthat arewell-suited to irrigation.
Developing high-yielding chickpeas:Plant researcher Bunyamin Tar’an will use $730,000 from ADF to develop high-yielding, large seed kabuli chickpea varieties suited to Western Canada. The results will lead to new chickpea varieties, benefitting Saskatchewan’s producers and broader economy.
Tar’an will also receive $236,000 from ADF to study how using genetic diversity from wild chickpeas could help combat Ascochyta blight, a major disease threatening chickpea production across Western Canada.
Breeding healthy peas for Western Canada:Tom Warkentin, Saskatchewan agriculture ministry’s strategic research program chair in Pulse Crop Breeding and Genetics, was awarded the largest single-study award from ADF this year — more than $981,000 — to develop high-yielding, root-rot-resistant pea varieties. Root rot, a disease widespread across Western Canada caused by a combination of fungus and other pathogens, can destroy as much as 70 per cent of a farmer’s crop during a wet year.
Otherinnovative crop-related projects with potential economic impact include:
Finding plant-basedclimate-friendlyalternatives to plastics($360,000):PlantscientistMartinReaney’s researchaims to createcarbon-neutral,biodegradableplasticsfrom canola and pulse productstoease pressures on oceans and landfills.Reaney isSaskatchewanagricultureministry’sstrategic research program chair in Lipid Quality and Utilization.
Measuringthe carbon footprint of crops($230,000):Plant scientistKateCongreves’research teamwillestablish Saskatchewan’s first Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Station using micrometeorological techniquestomeasure greenhouse gases year-round and determinethenetcarbon footprintofacanola-cerealrotation. This type of field-scaledatais needed to help the industry move forward in a carbon-based marketplace.
Solidifyingcannabisas a Saskatchewan product($188,000):PlantresearcherTim Sharbelwillstudythe genetics ofacannabisseed materialcollectionowned by Konetics,a company withties tothe Saskatchewanmarket.The goal is to strengthen thecannabis industry in the province through vigorous quality control of agronomic traits, in addition to connecting this material to the Cannabinoid Research Initiative of Saskatchewan for scientificallybased studies on applications to human health.
Heading off disease in wheat ($410,000): In two projects,wheat breederCurtis Pozniak will take aim at protecting wheat cropsfrom fungal pathogens byidentifying novel disease resistancein wheat strains from around the world, and bypinpointing the mechanisms usedby Fusarium head blight—the most serious disease affecting wheat production in Canada—to overcome wheat’s defences.
Removingarsenic with agricultural waste($70,000):Engineering researcherJafar Soltanis testing the use oflow-value agriculture residue — suchasstraw and meal from canola, barley, wheat,and mustard — totransformitintohigh-valueadsorbents thatremove arsenic frommining wastewater.Soltan and his teamof expertswill engage inresearchusing theCanadian Light Sourcesynchrotronand a pilot project thatsimultaneously works intwovital economic sectors: miningand agriculture.
The18USaskprojects attracteda total ofalmost$1.9millionfroma wide range of organizations and agencies includingSaskatchewan Pulse Growers ($634,000),Western Grains Research Foundation($588,000),Saskatchewan Wheat Development Commission ($340,000), Saskatchewan Canola Development Commission($186,000), Alberta Wheat Commission($72,000),the Manitoba Crop Alliance($66,000), and theSaskatchewan Oat Development Commission ($3,000).