North Battleford city council got an update Monday on plans by Battlefords Early Childhood Intervention Program to install a “liberty swing” at the natural space playground at Centennial Park.
They heard from Colleen Sabraw, executive director of Battlefords Early Childhood Intervention Program, who made a request at the meeting for help with the costs of installation.
The liberty swing, which is specially designed for use by those in wheelchairs, was purchased in 2020 at a cost of around $30,000. The plan is to put up the swing at the natural space playground, which was itself funded as a partnership between the city and BECIP.
The liberty swing has since arrived, and has been stored at the Parks office. The next step is to put the various pieces together and install it, something Sabraw indicated is no small task.
She informed council that after reviewing the “big binder” that detailed extensively how to put the swing together, and after discussions with the city’s Gord Whitton, they are looking at contracting someone to install the swing.
However, that will cost money. Monday night at council, Sabraw put in a request for the city to partner once again with BECIP to share the costs of installing the Liberty Swing in the park.
Included in the things that will need to be done includes excavation, crushed rock, putting up fencing, then building the swing and installing the rubber at the base of it so the swing could be set in place. Two quotes are in for between $25,000 and $40,000.
Council expressed support for the project, but no final decisions on a funding commitment were made. The indication from City Manager Randy Patrick is that administration will come back to council with more details on the ask to the city, and council will consider the options on how to proceed at that time.