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Volleyball season winding down

Volleyball season is slowly winding down at Maymont Central School. The junior teams finished at the end of October with trips to conference play downs.

Volleyball season is slowly winding down at Maymont Central School.

The junior teams finished at the end of October with trips to conference play downs. Both teams played well and represented the school well, but did not advance beyond the conference playoffs.

The senior girls finished their season with second place inthe Hafford tournament and then went to conference playoffs. They finished second in their pool but lost to Christian Centre in the semi-finals, so they did not advance to regionals.

The senior boys hosted a fiveteam tournament Nov. 6. They played well and were able to win the Maymont Invitational Tournament. They attended 2Aconference playoffs in Hepburn the next weekend where they finished in second place and attended regionals in Goodsoil Nov. 20.

The school's annual Remembrance Day Service was held Nov. 10 at 10:45 a.m. Mr. Brand welcomed everyone and the service started with the singing of O Canada. A poem, The Soldier, was recited by Chad Bernier and Justin Gillatt.The school choir performed Hold On To Hope.

Mr. Brand spent some time reflecting on Remembrance Day and what it is all about. The Grade 8 class sang, We are One, by Dan Seals while images were played on the screen behind them. SRC president, Rebecca Bulmer, recited In Flander's Fields. This was followed by Last Post, two minutes of silence, and Reveille. The school and community members laid wreaths and the students lit candles for peace. The service concluded with the singing of , God Save The Queen. After the service, lunch was served by the Grade 12 class.

Grade 4 students, Brooklyn Boklaschuk received word her poster was the winning entry, for Grade 4, in the school division's bus safety poster competition. Her class will receive a pizza party.

The Me-to-We group organized the school's participation in Operation Christmas Child. It is an outreach program run by the Good Samaritan's Purse. Each classroom was asked to fill two shoeboxes with items to be sent to poor, sick or suffering children. It was a great success and most classrooms filled more than two boxes. Thanks to all for your support.

Parent -teacher interviews were held on the evenings of Nov. 16 and 17. During this time, a successful book fair was also held.

The school's annual Christmas concert will be held Thursday, Dec. 16.

- Submitted by Maymont Central School staff

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