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Local gardener shares his bounty with the food bank

Meota News: Happy Hobby Band members jam at the Do Drop In
Meota flowers
The pretty flowers on Memorial Hill in Meota.

MEOTA - The days are cooling off and we just hope that the frost stays away for a while yet. The gardens have been better than expected considering how much hot weather we had throughout the summer season. Charles Baillargeon made many trips to the food bank in town with produce from his garden, which is appreciated so much.

The farmers are winding down with their harvest and the one thing we noticed, driving around, is how little stubble is left to work into the ground. The crops were pretty short. 

In the paper last week there were five people in the picture regarding the Saskatchewan elevators book and seven names below. Those in the picture were Warren Iverson, Trudy Janssens, Lyle Boulton, Mardelle and Jack Robson. Warren gives Jack the credit for starting the book, gives Trudy credit for finishing the book and it's a fact that Warren was the driver of the bus. This project is a non-profit venture. After orders are filled they plan to gift books to some libraries around the province as well as to seniors' centres. Even though it took a many hours to complete the project, they wanted to give the people of Saskatchewan a keepsake of our province's rich heritage. This book is a dream come true for Warren and Jack.

Bridge was played at the Do Drop In Sept.6. Top score was by Warren Iverson and second was Linda Ard. The gathering in the city Tuesday afternoon was non-competitive, but a nice social time. On Sept. 9 at the Pioneer Hall, top score went to Albert Blais and Gerry Craig. Second were Donna Scherman and Catriona Winterholt.

There was a happy gathering of the Hobby Band Tuesday morning at the Do Drop In, with eight active musicians and their spouses and a few others attending as they got together to play for fun. The fellowship renewed over coffee and tea was sweet to witness after nearly two years of absence. Junice Headley joined the group as a spectator. They are looking for more folks to join them. They are non-professional and have every level of player, so anyone interested is asked to come over Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. to feel them out. 

The onion harvest in the Taber area is winding down with the last of 1,000 acres of onions coming in and another new storage building being put up. The dust behind the combines in the grain fields is thick. Some fields have been done and then worked up and the irrigation is on them again preparing them for next year. The newly picked corn that my daughter brought up was tasty and I froze some.

There must be some blueberries in the far north as I saw them advertised for $50 a pail.

There have been two roofing crews in town this past week and there are more buildings needing new shingles in the area.

Canasta was played at the Do Drop In on Friday evening, with three tables in play. The scores were close. In first place were Marion Ottas and Lillian Sorenco. Second were Dave Ottas and Bev McCrimmon while third were Janice Morton and Vivianne Lesko. 

Lawn bowling in Saskatoon Saturday afternoon found four of the Battleford group taking part. These were Vern Iverson, Mel Walker, Diana Griffith and Arlene Walker. The event took place at the Nutana Lawn Bowling Centre. The annual event is called Battleford Day. It was cool enough they needed their jackets.

Janice and Fred Walker from the Nolin district are looking forward to their move to Edam Enriched Manor this fall. Life on the farm just doesn't get easier, as many of us know.

The first meeting of the year was held at the Do Drop In on Friday with a dozen members attending. The financial report was given by treasurer Carol Huys as well as the annual auditor's report.  Correspondence was read with information regarding the annual SSAI convention to be held in Saskatoon Oct. 13 and 14 in the Heritage Inn shared. Each club is to take an item for the silent auction and we can send two voting delegates. Vivianne Lesko offered to attend along with Linda Ard. The sheet of resolutions was on hand.

The subject of film watching was brought up, as Vivianne has two DVDs on hand. She will contact Trudy Janssens, but for now she has set a tentative date to watch these on Sept. 19 in the afternoon, at the Do Drop In. More information next week.

Maureen gave the library report from Brenda Zurowski. The library ran two contests this summer encouraging children to read more books and to participate in activities on their website. They have lots of new magazines for children and adults arriving monthly. They also have many books, as well as many community history books, talking books, CDs and DVDs for all ages and large-print books. There is a public computer for patron use. They are open Tuesday and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and Wednesday and Thursday from 2 to 6 p.m.

A report from former resident Jack Stewart indicates he is happy in Edam, where he has fine meals three times a day and there is always company around. He would like to play more cards.

President Eric Callbeck reported on summer activities including the new shed and deck at the back and grounds maintenance. Shuffleboard will reopen, depending on provincial health restrictions at the time, Sept. 25 and Oct. 23. The next regular meeting is slated for Oct. 8 at 10 a.m.

Here again we ask folks in Meota who have not attended any senior activities to come out and see what we have to offer and to meet your neighbours.

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