BATTLEFORD — The town of Battleford’s 2023 budget proposed an increase in municipal taxation by two per cent. At the Jan. 9 town council meeting, the council finalized these changes from their approved 2023 budget by repealing Bylaw No. 2-2022 and adopting Bylaw No. 1-2023.
This updated bylaw will bring base land taxes up $55 from 2022’s $325 to $380 for 2023.
The two per cent tax hike was approved at the council meeting and will bring the town an extra $100,000 in tax revenue to offset some of the increased costs for 2023.
The 2023 mill rate will stay the same at 3.75 mills for all taxable property on the town of Battleford taxation roll.
Increasing the base tax to $380 will increase land taxes, not taxes on the improvement.
“I’m happy. In the few years I’ve been here, everything has been done well financially,” Councillor Alexis Christensen said, adding that the increase makes sense and that it’s nothing to worry about.
“Thanks to the whole team,” she said, with the rest of the council mirroring her statements.