BATTLEFORDS - Harvest in the northwest is now 39 per cent complete, up from 21 per cent last week and ahead of the five-year average of 30 per cent, according to the crop report for the period of September 5 to 11. While some producers had to pause harvest for moisture levels to improve, many producers in the northwest are pleased with harvest so far.
Producers are focusing on their spring cereals while they wait for their canola swaths to dry down. Barley is 67 per cent harvested, spring wheat is 52 per cent complete and oats is 37 per cent complete for the year. Flax is currently 26 per cent harvested, while canola is 18 per cent complete and 53 per cent is in swath.
Producers have begun selling grain and are getting their first grades back for the year. Lentils are being graded at 2 CAN at 56 per cent while some are 3 CAN 34 per cent. Peas are mostly being graded at 2 CAN at 77 per cent, with some being graded at 3 CAN at 16 per cent.
The North Battleford area received the most rain in the province this week, with 25 mm being reported. Topsoil moisture has increased this week, with 48 per cent of cropland having adequate moisture, 48 per cent is short and four per cent is very short. Thirty-nine per cent of hay and pastures have adequate topsoil moisture, 55 per cent is short and six per cent is very short.
Crop damage this past week is due to light frosts and excess moisture. Producers are busy swathing, combining and monitoring moisture levels. Producers are also moving bales, working livestock and marketing cattle.