BATTLEFORDS - Producers in the northwest have the end of harvest on the horizon, with 90 per cent of this year’s crop in the bin, according to the crop report for the period of September 19 to 25. This is ahead of the five-year average of 57 per cent.
Fall cereals, pulses and spring cereals are harvested for the year. In the region, the remaining crops are oats at 92 per cent complete, canola at 83 per cent complete and flax at 63 per cent complete.
There were only trace amounts of rain reported in the region, meaning a decrease in topsoil moisture. Forty-two per cent of cropland has adequate topsoil moisture, 37 per cent is short and 21 per cent is very short. Hay and pasture land topsoil moisture is rated at 27 per cent adequate, 48 per cent is short and 25 per cent is very short. Producers in the region are currently experiencing water supply shortages for their livestock and are now hauling water. Producers in the region are also concerned with their water quality.
Crop damage this past week is due to some light frost, wind damage and wildlife in the fields. Producers are busy finishing harvest, applying post-harvest herbicides and working their fields before freeze-up. Produces are also marketing cattle, hauling water and feeding and moving cattle home for the winter.