BATTLEFORDS - Harvest is eight per cent complete in the region, which is just below the five-year average of nine per cent, according to the crop report for the period of August 22 to 28. Producers are wrapping up desiccating as harvest is entering full swing.
Producers have shifted their focus from fall rye, which is 94 per cent harvested, to their spring seeded crops this week. Field peas are 56 per cent harvested for the year and 85 per cent of lentils are in the bin for the year. Spring cereals are just starting to go through the combine and are being led by barley with 10 per cent of the crop harvested. Two per cent of flax and canola have been harvested for the year.
This week, the most rain received was in the Turtleford area at 21 mm. Soil moisture remains relatively unchanged this week, with 45 per cent of crop land having adequate moisture, 49 per cent is short and seven per cent is very short. Thirty-six per cent of hay and pastures have adequate soil moisture, 52 per cent is short and 12 per cent is very short.
Crop damage this week is due to localized flooding, wind damage and geese in the fields. Producers are busy swathing canola, combining, and hauling water and feed for livestock.