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Borden and District News: Chase the Ace jackpot of $4,400 won

Annual Threshing Day draws 350.

The Borden Lions Chase the Ace jackpot was won on Sept. 27, when Brenda Tumbach of Borden pulled the Ace of Spades from the deck, winning a total of $4,413.50. The raffle will start again with a new deck of cards and runs until at least February of 2024.

The Borden Friendship Club met Sept. 27 for their monthly potluck supper in the Borden Community Centre with 52 members and special guests present. Ed Neufeld welcomed everyone and gave the blessing. A great meal was enjoyed and Happy Birthday was sung to Bev Hrynuik and Jackie Meister. Ruben Rempel introduced the entertainment for the evening – DonLin Country from Dalmeny with Don playing guitar and Linda playing the keyboard. They both sang either solo or as a duet. An afghan had been donated to the club made by  Annabelle Weibe from the care home and tickets were sold to club members.

Borden Threshing Day was held on a cool and cloudy Sept. 30 at the site north of Borden and more than 350 were in attendance to watch the different events and enjoy soup/borsch, bread and jam with their beverages. Thanks to Lorne and Danyle Collision for the use of the land.

Teams of horses pulling the people wagons were on hand at the parking site to transport visitors to the grounds. Donna Barth had her petting zoo set up with rabbits, goats and their babies, a guinea pig, a miniature pony, sheep and Jersey cattle. The McChean-Wake cook cart sold food and drinks.

The parade was at noon.  Flag bearers on horseback were Krissy Derbowka and Alana Gunsch and horseback riders were Justin and Kaitlin Worona, Jeanette and Ivy Hauk and Peggy, Conner and Bella Walker. Ed Neufeld had the Lions cars for the kids to ride and teams of draft horses followed – Travis and Gladys Waldner from Langham with their team of Percherons, Orest Michalowski from Grandora with a team of Clydes, Randy Wolfe with his team of Belgians, Ken and Pat Crush from Langham with a quarter horse team pulling a covered wagon and Greg Malinowski had his Percheron quarter-horse cross pulling a people carrier.

Vintage vehicles included a 1960 Pontiac D Strato Chief driven by John and Amelia Moffat. Fritz Muehlhausen drove Walker’s 1940 Ford/Mercury M3 one-ton and Norm Wicks drove Willard Wensley’s 1953 R120 International truck. Tractors in the parade included Aaron Wensley’s 1948 Farmall C. Don Wensley drove a 1953 Farmall Super H. Willard Wensley drove a 1940 Farmall M and a 1948 Farmall Super A was driven by Casey Wensley. Darryl Amey drove his Farmall A, Dayln Matechuk entered a JD639 and Gage Matechuk was driving his dad's JD420. Kevin Sutherland drove his 1945 Farmall H, Mel Brooke drove Aaron's 1948 Minneapolis U tractor pulling the 1920s Minneapolis threshing machine, followed by Archie Wainwright of Borden on his 1952 JDR and Ken and William Krimm from Dalmeny driving a 1941 Chev half-ton and the Borden Fire and Rescue truck.

Demonstrations included Daryl Amey and Cyril Saunders bindering, plowing demo with horses, Kevin Sutherland sawing wood and Archie Wainwright rope making. Farrier Todd Bailey of Vanscoy demonstrated shoeing a horse, from trimming the hooves to making the horseshoes and tacking them on. Helping Todd were Carson Weiderhold and Brian Symington

Threshing began with two loads of sheaves going through the vintage machine, with one hayrack pulled by horses. Following the threshing was the potato digging then off to town for the roast beef supper put on by the museum and threshing club with more than 250 out to enjoy the meal.

While people waited in the Seniors’ Room to go in for supper, Bob Wardhaugh played many tunes on his keyboard and some visited the museum across the street. The museum had sold tickets for eight warty pumpkins grown by the museum and these went to Dianne Sylvester, Gary Vollmer, Emily Sutherland, Ron Tumbach, Jill Orchard, W. Shabo, L. Olinyk and Norma Sturnberg.

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