50 years ago
Macklin Bantams won C provincials at home in front of some 450 cheering fans. Captain Tom Greschner accepted the trophy on behalf of the team. Tom led his team in scoring, with Kim Bosch, Don Crich, Don McIntyre, Randy Rowein, Mel Doetzel, Greg Doetzel and Ervin Doetzel also picking up points in the final series against Strasbourg.
Mary Laturnus won $250 when her design for a Jaycee flag beat out more than 700 other entries.
Leipzig School held an open house for parents, which included a public speaking contest for students in Grades 1 to 6.
The Senlac rink of Bernice Babchuck, Jo Lisch, Jean Murrell and Adrienne McDonald won the 24-team ladies’ bonspiel in Macklin.
Victory Motors in Wilkie received Ford Canada’s Distinguished Achievement Award for the fourth year.
20 years ago
An early spring snowstorm didn’t deter over 250 children from coming out to search for Easter eggs in the snow at the Unity regional park, in the first Co-op Kids’ Club Easter egg hunt. Delta Co-op manager Dean McKim pointed out that in Saskatchewan “Minus-10 isn’t that cold.”
After 15 years on the executive of the Unity Miners, holding various positions along the way, Jim Lee announced his decision to retire and become simply a loyal fan.
Guest speaker John Bennett was coming to Landis to speak to farmers and interested members of the public on the “Carbon Market and Carbon Credits in regards to Kyoto Accord.”
Unity Motor Products was advertising a 1996 Chev extended cab two-wheel drive pickup for $10,900.