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Outlook school raising money for new playground equipment

Makeover needed as safety concerns surround the current setup.
The current playground features at Outlook Elementary School date back over 25 years, and safety standards require OES to move forward on obtaining new equipment. Photo by Derek Ruttle.

OUTLOOK - The playground equipment at Outlook Elementary School is looking more than a little dated these days.

Teachers, staff, and probably even a few students have noticed this, and as a result, the school is planning a fundraising drive for new and updated playground features.

OES principal Darla Thorstad says the current setup dates back more than a couple of decades and has reached a point where dismantling some of the equipment is required in order to prevent a possible accident involving a young student from taking place.

Thorstad added that new safety standards have essentially required OES to move forward on a school yard makeover that includes all-new equipment.

"The old structures have been on the playground for about 25 years and are well past their prime," she said. "One structure will need to be dismantled in the spring because it has reached the end of it's lifespan and is becoming a safety concern. The school recognized that the equipment was aging 10 years ago and then started working alongside the OES SCC to fundraise for new playground equipment. One of the first things that we considered was updating the wooden components of the current structures, however, the new playground safety standards would not support an upgrade of that sort. After we understood that was not an option, we had no choice but to look at purchasing all new equipment."

After recognizing the need for new playground features, Outlook Elementary staff and administration began consulting with the school division and reached out to an Alberta company that produces such equipment. One thing that Thorstad says was surprising was learning the costs of playground amenities these days.

"When the school first began searching out playground equipment, we consulted with Sun West Facilities to ensure we would meet the strict safety standards for school playgrounds," she said. "We were steered toward a Canadian company called Blue Imp, based out of Medicine Hat, AB. They produce an excellent product and offer warranty on the equipment as well. One thing that was surprising to learn was how much new playground structures cost. When we first started looking at new playground equipment 10 years ago, we realized that to replace the three old structures on our playground with something that was similar was going to cost upwards of $300,000. That sounds like a lot of money, because it is. Since the amount needed is so high, we are hoping to find people to help us with fundraising, grant writing experience, etc."

Darla says the school would like to be able to purchase new equipment and have it installed as soon as possible, depending on what time frame they may be working with as far as availability is concerned.

"As soon as possible," she said, when asked when OES would like to install new features. "Once we are able to secure the funds, we will order the playground equipment and work with the school division to have the old structure(s) removed and the site prepared for the new equipment. For example, if we were able to secure funds before the end of June 2025, it would be plausible to have the new equipment installed by late fall or the following spring - all dependent on the time frame it would take for the equipment to arrive and the division to help prepare the location where the new equipment will be installed."

The public can support OES's efforts to fundraise for a new playground in a number of ways, whether it's through monetary donations where tax receipts will be issued, assisting with possible fundraising ideas, joining a committee, and even grant writing expertise. Thorstad says the school is open to any and all ideas on how to generate funds for their vision of a new playground for the young students.

"If there are other ways that people can think of that would help us in our effort, we are open to meeting and discussing ideas," she said. "If individuals or businesses are interested in donating to new playground equipment, then cheques can be made payable to Sun West School Division and include OES Playground in the memo. Cheques can be picked up by OES staff or dropped off at the front office."

Darla says the school would love to host a special grand opening event once the new equipment has been installed so that donors can be recognized for their contributions. Monetary donations will be recognized in the following ways:

$100-$999 - A letter of thanks and certificate
$1000-$2499 - Listed in the program of the playground opening ceremony, and a letter of thanks and certificate
$2500-$4999 - Name listed on a sign and your representative will be recognized at the playground opening
$5000+ - Logo on Permanent sign, and a representative will be invited to speak at the playground opening.

"We appreciate any and all support and on behalf of the 340 students at OES, we thank everyone for their consideration," said Principal Thorstad.

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