Gardeners, I'm going to start with a correction, first thing! Last week I told you that the Yorkton In Bloom tour was on Thursday, July 26; it is actually on Thursday, August 2!
I apologize for any inconvenience! I'm sure it will be a lovely tour, with a chance to see some outstanding gardening! Congratulations to all the winners and all who entered the competition: it's great that you are doing so much to add to the beauty of Yorkton! And congratulations to the City of Yorkton for encouraging local gardeners in such a positive way!
The Yorkton and District Horticultural Society will be holding their Fruit, Flower, and Vegetable Display Show on Tuesday, August 14 from 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. at St. Gerard's Parish Complex on 3rd Avenue. There will be a wide variety of all kinds of display and exhibits, and browsing through these displays is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon! Your admission includes tea or coffee and dainties, so bring a few friends, have a good visit, and enjoy some lovely horticulture!
I mentioned this to you before, but I'd like to remind you that you don't have to be a member of the Horticultural Society to have an entry in the show. Guests are welcome to show items in the show: so if you have a great-looking planter that turned out just the way you hoped it would, or a houseplant that you're very proud of, or a unique looking gourd and you'd like to share it with us, please bring it to the hall before the show. This is not a judged show; there are no rules that have to be followed except to make a "pleasing display". That can be just one perfect stem of a flower! This is a display show to encourage participation and appreciation of horticulture. So by all means, feel free to bring something to put in the show. There will be lots of Horticultural Society members around to assist you, so don't be shy!
I know that Yorkton is full of wonderful gardeners - so step forward and share your enjoyment of gardening with us! We'd love to meet you!
Last week I mentioned to you that the Society lost a "lifetime" member; these wonderful gardeners blazed a trail of garden appreciation in the City. Our Society will always remember them with gratitude for laying the foundation of a great organization. No doubt these fine gardeners would be surprised and amazed at how gardening and gardeners have changed over the years since they were in our midst. But one thing remains constant: the love of plants, the joy of seeing them grow and enhance our yards and homes, and the enjoyment of sharing this common interest with other gardeners. We have met so many wonderful people! If you enjoy plants and gardening (even if you don't have a garden!), but have been shy about joining the group, I encourage you to plan to join us in the fall when we have our first meeting of the new season. You will find it informative, rewarding, and fun!
Isn't this getting to be the nicest time of the gardening year? I remember how my darling parents always enjoyed the first time we had a "garden" meal: that is, where almost the entire meal was made up of our own garden produce. What could taste better! Keith and I enjoyed such a meal the other day, with a wonderful salad made from rich burgundy beet leaves, decorated with orange nasturtium blossoms, plus sliced cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes dressed with basil leaves and olive oil! And then, peas and carrots steamed and drizzled with butter! I hope that you have the chance to enjoy a similar taste treat; it's truly one of the joys of gardening.
Till next time, have a good week, and be sure to wear a hat!