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News from Good Spirit Acres By Carol Olsen

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature haven't figured out that we are supposed to be having spring.

Old Man Winter and Mother Nature haven't figured out that we are supposed to be having spring. Good Spirit Acres received their biggest dump of snow near the end of March! Come on! We want April showers!

The Good Spirit hamlet spring information meeting will be a little earlier this year. It will be on April 24 at the golf resort hall. The event will begin with the annual general meeting for the Good Spirit Acres Community Association, followed immediately by the hamlet meeting. The association is in dire need of volunteers to be on the board. At present, Lynn MacDonald is the president; Charm Johnson, vice-president; and Kellyanne Ostafie, secretary-treasurer. Extra volunteers are always appreciated for specific functions. Thanks to all who have helped each time.

The community association organizes social gatherings throughout the year, such as potluck meals, the Christmas supper, St. Patrick's Day events and so on. It鈥檚 fun for the community residents to get together and to keep in touch.

The St. Patrick's Day supper was well attended. The 鈥淢ulligan Stew鈥 was great, and the donations for the silent auction were much appreciated. Thanks to all who attended and made this a worthwhile event. Kellyanne Ostafie donated the door prize that was won by Fern Sherwood.

The next event will be the pancake breakfast which is scheduled for June 5 at the camp kitchen at Spilchen Meadows.

The hamlet meeting is scheduled to have a review of the final financial report for 2015. The presentation of the proposed budget for 2016 will include a small increase in the mill rate.

There will bediscussions on the continuing process of moving water safely through the community and continuing projects to improve the removal of stagnant water from lower areas.

To be discussed will be the hamlet's relationship with the golf resort and a potential flat tax levy.

The agenda will also include the possible spraying for forest tent caterpillars.

A formal agenda will be forwarded to all residents. The information package will include a copy of the new building code, which requires a building permit for all projects in the hamlet.

Since the RM changed the length of board members鈥 terms from three years to four years, it has meant that every fourth year we will not require an election. Therefore, there will be no election this year.

The hamlet board members looks forward to meeting with residents who are encouraged to provide input and direction.

John Neufeld reports that the RM operators have had a hard time keeping the grid roads passible due to all the snow and slush. Hopefully, weather and roads will soon improve!

P.S. 鈥 Happiness is contagious... spread it around!

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