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Local authors launch first book of new endeavour

Black Wolf #1 - Metal Monsters of Doom …

A noted mechanical engineer has gone missing in Granton City, as has a professor with a past life as an inventor of miraculous machines.

That puts The Black Wolf on the case.

The Wolf is a vigilante with a pair of Colt .45s, and the attitude that the cops in 1920s' Granton City can too easily be bought, so he has appointed himself sheriff, judge, jury and at times executioner.

But can a bad attitude and a loaded gun solve the newest mystery before the world is threatened by a diabolical menace?

To find out you will have to read The Black Wolf #1 - Metal Monsters of Doom, the first release from Granton City Press, and Saskatchewan authors Calvin Daniels and Kevin Lee. The book has just been released.

Creator Calvin Daniels said the idea of doing a pulp-era novel sort of popped into his head one day while trolling through Facebook.

"I've always had a soft spot for the purple clad Phantom from reading his stories in the old Charlton Comics line, and of course The Shadow, and Batman," said Daniels who has been a journalist for more than 20-years. "But, that interest really never coalesced into wanting to write a pulp book until early last year (2009)."

So Daniels, who has previously published three books with a hockey theme, one fiction the others non-fiction, came up with a broad concept, then went looking for a co-writer.

"I had a basic idea for The Black Wolf," he said, adding, "I thought it would be fun to share the writing."

That's where Kevin Lee came on-board.

"I've known Kevin casually for a while, and I had written stories for Yorkton This Week on his fantasy trilogy TRIO, so I thought why not ask him," said Daniels. "Thankfully he said yes."

Lee said he decided to take on the project because it was a story quite different from his fantasy world.

"Black Wolf sounded like fun when Calvin first pitched the idea of being a co-writer with him on it, and it was an entirely different universe in comparison with my fantasy trilogy TRIO. Black Wolf is a lot shorter in length as well, which makes the story move along rather quickly. It's been fun and challenging at the same time because Calvin tends to work at a much faster rate than I do," he said.

Co-writing The Black Wolf has been a great experience, said Daniels, adding it continues as they work on Book #2 - The Demon Door, expected out early this fall. The book is in the final stages of being written.

"It's great because we use a pretty simple system, basically taking turns writing chapters," he said. "It really keeps you focused because you feel obligated to get back to writing every time a chapter comes in.

"It also keeps ideas flowing, because we feed off each other. You never know what the other will do in their chapter. It's fascinating to watch characters and plots develop."

Lee said he too finds the process an interesting one from a writer's perspective."By working on a pulp style of story instead of a fantasy setting it gets the imagination working on a completely different level because you're not thinking of sword and sorcery but more along the lines of those old crime TV shows, heroes and villains that are from our own world. Not to mention by switching up on the two stories the creative energy gets renewed each time!" he said.

The process has resulted in a first book the pair are proud of.

"The first book is great! After it was all said and done I found it to be fun romp and now as my third TRIO novel is nearly done my focus is back on Black Wolf #2 and the creative ideas are already beginning to roll! It should be just as fun if not better on the second go around," said Lee.

"This may not win a Pulitzer, but pulps are supposed to be quick, easy and fun reads, and I think The Black Wolf is all three," added Daniels.

Metal Monsters of Doom has cover art by Daniel Bradford, who is the artist of the indie comic Robot 13 from Blacklist Studios. He is also working on art for The Demon Door."I fell in love with his art when reviewing his comic for Yorkton This Week," said Daniels. "He was a friend on Facebook, so it was a natural to ask him, and luckily he had time."

In preparation for the book's release, Granton City Press did some pre-selling which Daniels said was important to bolster interest in the book, and to offset initial costs. People were provided a chance to pre-purchase the book, however, not just a regular copy of the book.

Instead, the first 100 pre-sales were sold as signed & numbered copies of the book. They were numbered 1/100, 2/100, 3/100 etc., and signed by both Daniels and Lee.Anyone purchasing a book through the offer will have an opportunity to purchase signed & numbered editions of future Black Wolf novels with the same sequence number. That will mean ensuring every book you purchase has a matching number such as 3/100, said Daniels

"It should make an interesting set for devoted readers in the future," he added.The pre-sale was a sell-out, and they are going to offer the same promotion on other titles as they are released.

When it comes to putting a visual spin on The Black Wolf, the character will be appearing as part of the Dust Devil anthology graphic novel from The Giggler Jr., a project based in Saskatoon.

Carrie Saganace, the creator behind the anthology said she decided to include an eight-page Black Wolf take because it fit with the theme of being from a Saskatchewan writer.

"There are so many unique stories out there, when I first read parts of the Black Wolf, I was just inspired for style, feeling, and character development for a short graphic story ... It will fit in well for the first issue of Dust Devil Magazine, put out by The Giggler Jr. Publishing. It's a very flavourful taste of what The Black Wolf is," she said.

Dust Devil is expected out soon. Their website at (http://www.facebook.com/l/6a836;www.thegigglerjr.com/homeGJ.html ), will have updates.

Daniels said Facebook has actually proven an important networking tool for Granton City Press.

"We started a fan page for The Black Wolf, and have near-2,000 fans from around the world. That is very gratifying in itself," he said. (Check it it at http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=81770083773&ref=ts )"But, it's gone beyond fans too," he added. "We wanted a dramatic poster to sell in support of The Black Wolf, and I found Kim Loh, an exciting artist from Malaysia. Her work blew me away, and the work she created for us is simply amazing."

Loh said she was happy to get involved.

"I've always loved crime noir stories and their mysterious, intriguing protagonists, and The Black Wolf is definitely that. Who doesn't love a mask-wearing, gun-toting pulp hero who fights for justice and does it with style? It was a lot of fun drawing the poster and a character like The Black Wolf, and I wouldn't have had that opportunity if it wasn't for Calvin Daniels," she said.

Check out her work at www.artofkimloh.com

The connections via Facebook went beyond art, said Daniels.

"Once I started writing The Black Wolf other ideas kept popping into my head for building a more diverse pulp world, so I went looking for other writers who were interested in co-writing in the Granton City universe," he said.

It wasn't always a process which worked.

"I've made attempts with several writers, but styles and visions don't always mesh, so several efforts went to the trash bin," said Daniels.

But Daniels did find Tyrell Tinnin, a writer from Wichita, Kansas.

"Tyrell has been a blast to work with," he said. "We get along great and are really on the same page in terms of the spin-off title Unit 13."

Tinnin said he decided to give the project a try because he liked the premise.

"History with a dash of science fiction, who really could resist that combo?" he said, adding he has found co-writing with Daniels, "Working with Calvin is crazy, you never know what story curve balls that guy will throw at you."

Unit 13 is a sort of prequel set in World War One.

"Some of the characters show up in Granton City years later," said Daniels. "Others are unique to Unit 13, at least for now."

Tinnin explains the 'feel' of the title as being "a mash-up of pulpy 'Weird War' and 'Kelly's Heroes' or 'Inglorious Basterds'."

Unit 13 #1 - The Horrors of Altenschatten is in the editing stage, and is expected out by late summer, with wonderfully detailed cover art of the main Unit 13 characters by Gil Murillo.

"Gil kept posting progress photos of the work on Facebook. He devoted hours to it, and the detail is amazing," said Daniels.

More immediate is the expected July release date for Ghost Wind #1 - The Torn Veil, a book being written by Daniels and British writer Mitchel Rose. The physical proof of the book is expected in the mail any day.

"Mitchel is another writer I connected with on Facebook. I saw he had an interest in Manga and thought he might be a good fit for Ghost Wind, and he has been perfect," said Daniels.

"I've really enjoyed writing for Ghost Wind. I love pulp style adventures and I had the freedom to take it to down some pretty strange and fantastic avenues." added Rose.Ghost Wind is a young ninja who owes his life to a local crime lord and community leader in the 'Chinatown' of Granton City in the 1920s.

"It's sort of Green Hornet and Big Trouble In Little China meets The Untouchables," said Daniels. "It's quite unique from the other books, but has the same terms of reference."

"A real rollercoaster ride of a story." added Rose.

The artwork for the cover is by Chilean artist Guillermo A. Angel.

"The cover is dramatic. Just what I wanted to attract readers to it. That is what a social networking site such as Facebook allows, connections with talent like Guillermo," said Daniels.

Looking down the road a little with Granton City Press, Daniels said other titles are in development. While he will be working on Book #3 of The Black Wolf with Lee after June, Daniels will shift gears with Tinnin and Rose.

Tinnin and Daniels are looking at a book tentatively entitled Crake & Crane Casefiles."Crake is the gritty Sergeant from Unit 13. He turns up in Granton City after the war and ends up a private investigator. He teams with Ezekiel Crane, who is a coroner with a bit of a CSI feel," said Daniels. "The storylines will have a hardboiled, but have more 'real world' feel."

As for Rose and Daniels, it will be Drago: Demonslayer.

"Drago is a character emerging out of Black Wolf #2 The Demon Door. The book will follow his solo debut. It will not be set directly in Granton City, but there is a connection," he said.

The book actually takes place in New Orleans, and not surprisingly is focused on demons. A second book already being talked about will take Drago to Mexico City.The pair are also working on a book focusing on magic, with a druid protector taking the central role, again this will be based in Granton City.

Crake & Crane Casefiles and Drago Demon Slayer are tentatively scheduled for release early in 2011, along with The Black Wolf #3.

There are some other ideas percolating too, said Daniels.

Churchill: Alien Bounty Hunter is one of the most interesting.

"For this one we're pulling a lot of ideas together. Churchill, so named because he is found in a wrecked spacecraft near Churchill, MB., is being written by four of us," said Daniels.

"I wanted to try something a bit wilder, so Kevin and I are writing the main storyline. It's again set in the '20s, but in Western Canada. He's of course chasing someone for a bounty.

"As that story unfolds Mitchel is writing flashbacks to Churchill's alien world which will be woven into the story. And Tyrell is doing the discovery of the crashed ship by none other than the post-war Unit 13."

Daniels said he likes doing Canadian stories, so Iron John is set solidly in Canada too. Another book planned for 2011 release, it is already half written with Blake Casselman, a writer from Utah, again a Facebook connection.

"It's a steampunk/western set in about 1885, with the hero Iron John interacting with the likes of John A. MacDonald, Nikola Tesla and Jerry Potts," said Daniels.

Casselman said the story theme interested him to take it on.

"What I enjoy most about writing 'Iron John' is that it comprises two genre's I've been interested in writing: western and steampunk," he said.

"I also enjoy the fact that while John is a superhero, with his large build, strength, and mystical hammer, he's also an everyday, blue collar type of guy. He is genuine, with his heart in the right place, and someone who tries to do the right thing, even if he doesn't completely understand what's going on around him. I think most people can see a little of themselves in John."

The co-writing style has also proven interesting for Casselman.

"The interesting aspect of writing with Calvin is writing the novel's first draft basically from scratch," he said. "I don't work with detailed outlines like many writer's do, but I do write notes to myself while writing. I decide on major plot points and important scenes ahead of time and write my characters towards them.

"By trading chapters with Calvin, I'm forced to focus on the novel in small chunks, not sure what direction it will go or what will happen to the characters once I turn it back over to him. I'm discovering that it's an exhilarating approach to writing a story as much as it can be exasperating. While I can't yet see the 'big picture' in terms of the novel's plot, our method of collaboration seems to be working, so I'm excited for the outcome.

Daniels said while books are the main focus, they will also have art posters from great artists supporting the projects, and they have been pursuing a range of other connected projects, and that has already opened some exciting doors.

The heroes and villains who populate the world of Granton City Press will soon be population a new table top miniatures game.

An agreement has been reached with Rattrap Productions LLC to bring the Granton City world to the games table with the fall release of 'While the City Sleeps: A Game of Heroic Action in Granton City'."When approached about incorporating the diverse characters from Granton City Press into a table top miniatures game, I thought it was a great idea," said Richard A. Johnson the man behind Rattrap Productions LLC. "Initially we tossed around the idea of incorporating the characters into one of our existing games but came to realize there was enough unique and interesting new character in Granton City to support a new game themselves."

Johnson said he had been working on a new game, and it turned out to be a perfect vehicle for characters such as The Black Wolf, The Starling, Ghost Wind and Churchill: Alien Bounty Hunter.

Daniels said having a miniature game coming out to support the books of Granton City Press is amazing.

"I've played a lot of miniature games myself, so it will be a major thrill to sit down and play a game based on a world I and a number of dedicated co-writers have created over the past several months in our novels," he said.

Daniels said he had interest from other parties to work on a game, but was excited to work with Rattrap based on their half decade of experience in the miniature games sector, their dedication to pulp-era gaming, and the willingness of Johnson to allow lots of input into While the City Sleeps.

The new game will be an ideal place for the soon to be released Black Wolf miniature from Zombiesmith Miniatures.

Daniels explained an agreement has been reached with Zombiesmith Miniatures to bring The Black Wolf into the world as a 3-D gaming figure.

"When approached with the possibility of doing a Black Wolf miniature I was immediately intrigued," said Joshua Qualtieri the man behind Zombiesmith. "It's a great opportunity to test the waters of the pulp market for miniatures, and to work with a unique new character."

Daniels said having a miniature coming out to support the books, and new miniature game is great.

"As an avid gamer myself, it is a thrill to see our lead character sculpted in lead, and working with Zombiesmith we knew it would be a great miniature because they have a reputation for unique, quality figures," he said.

The first of the Black Wolf miniatures are expected to arrive any day.

If response to The Black Wolf miniature is as hoped for, other characters from the pulp world of Granton City Press are likely to follow.

You can follow the progress of the books at www.wix.com/grantoncitydesk/togc, the miniatures at www.zombiesmith.com and the game's progress at www.rattrapproductions.com

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